Chapter 21

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"Y/n, get up

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"Y/n, get up."

There was only a muffled groan in response. Heizou sighs and crosses his arms. He waits for a few seconds before sitting on the bed next to Y/n and gently shaking her by the shoulder. It was around 8:30 in the morning and Y/n should have gone to work around half an hour ago. At first Heizou assumed Y/n was just running a bit late and was still getting ready, but after 15 minutes, he decided to check on her, finding her still in bed with a pillow pushed onto her face.

He moves his hand up to her neck and finds it burning up. Pulling down the pillow just enough, Heizou feels her forehead. After contemplating what to do, he takes the thick blankets off her and begins rolling up her sleeves as much as he could.

"Hey, Kazuha? Could you get some water and a rag? Y/n has a high fever."

In a few minutes Kazuha came into the room with the items. During that time, Heizou had somehow convinced Y/n to remove the pillow from her face and lay down on her back. She had one arm placed over her eyes and her cheeks were a bright red.

"Ah... I still need to call in sick..." Y/n mumbled after Heizou placed the damp rag on her forehead.


Although it hasn't been long since Y/n had last gotten groceries, with the New Years coming soon and all, Heizou decided to be a little over prepared, but also so that he could get some things for the sickly thief. There wasn't too much in the cart despite being in the store for quite some time. He was standing in the soup aisle, wondering which kind of soup Y/n would like the most, when he felt someone looking at him.

He didn't directly look over, but simply pretended to glance at a soup next to the others and caught a glimpse of a familiar girl. As it was only a glimpse he wasn't able to immediately remember who it was. Taking, in the end, some good ol' chicken noodle soup, Heizou left to the snacks aisle, still paying attention to the presence following him.

After grabbing a package of f/s (favorite snack), he kept looking at every option, in case she wanted something else as well. He took a box of fruit snacks, deciding even if Y/n didn't want them that he would keep them for himself and maybe Kazuha.

"Uhm, excuse me? I think you dropped this." a feminine voice spoke.

Heizou turned to the voice and found Hibiki. In her hand was a folded five dollar bill.

"I don't have any five dollar bills with me today."

"Oh? Sorry, I saw it near your cart earlier and thought it was yours."

Heizou knew she was lying for a number of reasons:

Like he said, he didn't have any five dollar bills and for quite some time actually. (He's been needing to go to the bank but kept forgetting)

She was fidgeting with the end of her shirt and she was deliberately avoiding eye contact.

If the money really was near his cart, he would've surely noticed. Just because he has a well paying job doesn't mean he isn't on the lookout for stray dollar bills and coins either.

He hadn't taken his wallet out at all since he came into the store.

It's Hibiki.

"I- uh- just take it then!" Hibiki suddenly exclaims, shoving the money into Heizou's hand.

Heizou took a quick second to process what happened while the flustered girl ran as far away from that specific aisle as possible. He looked down at the money in his hand and was about to put it in his pocket when he noticed a small white note slip out. He suspected it was most likely a phone number and just like he thought, it was Hibiki's number.

With a slight frown he puts the money and the note in his pocket, planning to tell Y/n first before throwing it away. He had a feeling Y/n might have some mischievous scheme planned out as soon as he told her, which amused him during the rest of his shopping trip.


Y/n's fever had gone down a bit during the time Heizou was gone and she had a few pillows beneath her torso to lift herself up a bit. Her fever was still pretty high so Kazuha had told her to rest more when she woke up from a nap. When Heizou came in the soup and some cold water, Y/n had her phone raised above her head and it seemed like she was texting someone.

"Oh, Heizou! You're back!"

"Mhm. You must be feeling better now that you're typing away on your phone." Heizou teased, setting the food on the nightstand.

"I'm writing emails to work, thank you very much."

"By the way..." Heizou starts again, pulling out the slip of paper from earlier.

Y/n raises her head a little to look at the paper, immediately recognizing the number and handwriting. Her expression twists a little before bursting into a choked laughter to which Heizou quickly gives her some water to recover. Y/n didn't have an idea like Heizou assumed but she found it hilarious that Hibiki even had the guts to give Heizou her number. Despite finding it funny, she was quite annoyed that her cousin was trying to get with her lover.

After re-soaking the rag and making sure Y/n ate, Heizou quickly left saying, "I don't want to get sick too. Sorry, Y/n."

The thief quickly laughs it off and resumes her emails. Her boss was super persistent in trying to get her back to work as soon as possible, but Y/n assumed they were just like that during the holiday seasons. Although she was trying to concentrate, the thought of Hibiki really did enrage her and all she could end up thinking about is what to do with her cousin.


A/N: If you didn't see the update on the previous chapter (Chapter 20), I'll put it here after the author's note. I have been thinking a bit about how I would write each ff depending on each character and I was wondering if a first person pov piques your interests at all. My first Kazuha ff did really well despite being uh... ish and first person and in some of the ffs I think first person might sound better, but I wanted your opinions as well.

Anyways I won't be posting for a while mostly because of the new year and because school is starting again soon, so the new chapters will start coming out on weekends again in January. The Update is posted right below.





UPDATE: I have put this in the comments (Ch. 20 comments) already, but if you would like to vote or change your vote you can still vote all the way until this ff is over! The comments are not the only places the voting is happening as it's also going on in my convos on my page so do not be discouraged by the amount of comments there are for a certain character.

Cyno is currently in the lead with 6 votes, followed by Albedo and Tighnari, both with 3 votes. The votes may be a bit inaccurate but they're close enough and I don't want to look through my entire inbox again so trust me. Also I have been planning to do an Albedo ff since I started writing and have made some already but didn't like them and got rid of them. Even if Albedo does not win the vote you all can still expect an Albedo ff some time in the future either after the chosen character or have it go on with the chosen character.

I kinda set this whole voting thing on a whim and didn't really expect more than like 2 people to actually vote so I'm very grateful for all the people who have voted and/or plan to vote. <3

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