Bonus Chapter

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A/N: I was requested to add a bonus chapter like I did for my Kazuha story, so hope you enjoy! It's shorter than the usual chapter and it took some brain power, but your welcome! <3

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A/N: I was requested to add a bonus chapter like I did for my Kazuha story, so hope you enjoy! It's shorter than the usual chapter and it took some brain power, but your welcome! <3


"Heizou, get up. We told Kazuha we'd meet him at the docks, remember?"

Heizou groans. "You and Koji can go by yourselves, can't you? I'm sure Kazuha would like to see you two more anyways."

Y/n lightly jabs Heizou in the stomach to which he pretends to be greatly hurt. The two laugh before Y/n drags the detective out of bed. Kazuha was returning from Liyue for a while and the family had decided to go and welcome him back.

Their son, Shikanoin Koji, is quite literally a miniature version of Heizou himself. The only traits he received from Y/n was her smile and eyes. His name means "little one," but Koji is actually quite tall for a 7 year old, he's catching up to his parents quickly.

Koji and his silent footsteps come barging into the room as Heizou was pulling on a shirt and Y/n scrolling through the news. The small boy jumps onto his father, clinging to his neck. Heizou picks Koji up and puts him into a more comfortable position, although he was quite surprised by the attack.

"Come on! Come on! I want to go see Uncle Kazuha and all the boats!" Koji yells, shaking Heizou by his shoulders.

"Alright, Koji, go down and put on your shoes. You already ate, right?"

"Yup!" then Koji runs down in a rush to do as his father said.

Once Heizou was sure the boy was out of earshot, he sighs and flops back onto the bed. Y/n pats his forehead then gets up to follow her energetic child.

"This is why I didn't want a child like me..."

"The child was your idea."

"I said we'd be fine as long as he didn't turn out like me."

"Same thing."


Kazuha was talking with Captain Beidou when the Shikanoin family arrived at the docks. Although Y/n tried to stop Koji from a surprise attack on Kazuha and interrupting their conversation, it was all inevitable. But as expected from the maple aesthetic male, he had already heard Koji running over and without stopping his conversation, picked the boy up.

Koji kicked around and squealed. "That's not fair! Let me down!"

"I thought you said you would beat me next time. Did Y/n not teach you any tricks on sneaking up on people?" Kazuha responds, pinching Koji's cheek.

"That's enough. Welcome back, Kazuha."

Kazuha smiles as Y/n takes her son back. Heizou came up behind the group, still looking tired from lack of sleep and glares at Kazuha when he chuckles at the sorry sight of his friend. Beidou puts an arm around Y/n in a friendly manner and greets the family in her usual loud demeanor.


After talking for some time, Beidou takes Koji to look through the Alcor and leaves the three to catch up. Kazuha talked about his journey traveling around parts of Liyue, Sumeru, and Mondstadt, but the thing about Kazuha is that he makes even the littlest things grand and interesting. When you hear his explanations, it makes you imagine the place perfectly and/or want to go there yourself, especially for Y/n who has only left Inazuma a small number of times.

"You gotta take me out of this island some time, Kazuha! All Heizou does lately is overwork himself, he needs a breather for sure!" Y/n laughs, nudging him in the shoulder.

Kazuha laughs with her. "Of course."

Heizou isn't amused by the teasing, but still cracks a smile regardless. He had slowly gotten used to Y/n's teasing, but not until after their marriage. She hadn't been a huge teaser before then.

The conversation goes on for a while until Koji comes running back, saying he was tired. Y/n wasn't sure what to do with him because the boy kept jumping up and down and running in circles despite his previous statement. Beidou comes and pats Kazuha's shoulder.

"Alright, kid, I have to get some supplies. I'll be here for the next week so come find me if you need anything."

"Alright. Thank you, Captain." Kazuha nods, watching Beidou walk away.


"Uncle Kazuha, you can sleep in my room with me!" Koji yells, dragging Kazuha upstairs to what used to be his room.

Y/n and Heizou go to the kitchen, where they decide to start making a late lunch.

"I'll never know what to do with that child." Y/n sighs.

Heizou chuckles. "He's got a never ending amount of energy even if he's tired. Must've gotten a combination of our stamina."

"Uh, no. My stamina is terrible, he just got double the amount from you."

"Terrible? You know how much officers, including myself, had to run around trying to catch you when-"

Y/n covers Heizou's mouth, shutting him up, before continuing her work. Heizou smirks just slightly. He knows Y/n doesn't like talking about her career as a thief much, even more so since they had Koji. The two continue to talk about a variety of things for a bit as they make a quick and practical lunch.

When they were just about finished, Heizou kissed Y/n on the cheek and left the kitchen saying, "I'm going to go help free Kazuha from Koji's clutches."

Y/n smiles. "Alright."


A/N: I wasn't sure how to end it lol and I of course had to include Kazuha *wink wink*. Thank you for reading though! Probably the actual end now? Bye!!!! <333

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