Chapter 15

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Aikawa Y/n

Age: 19




"It's been nearly two weeks. There's not a single trace as if she's been completely wiped from existence."

"You couldn't find anything?"

There was a long moment of silence where neither person spoke. The atmosphere was heavy and the detective felt as if he was suffocating. Missing. That was Y/n's current status. Gone. Nowhere to be found. If Kazuha could not find any trace of her, how could anyone find her? How could he take matters into his own hands as he sat in the hospital bed?

Heizou leaned back into the bed but bolted upright again as if realizing something. "What about her friend? Kokomi?"

His companion bit his bottom lip and held up an envelope while his arms were crossed. "She only mentioned her connection to Aikawa Rie... Ryo."

A dark expression grew on Heizou's face. One look at him and it was clear that there were curses going through his head and that one should not mess with him at the moment. Kazuha sighed and turned to leave. He tells the detective that he would be back once he gets more information and leaves.


Y/n was beginning to lose her mind. Not that she hadn't already, but she was barely holding onto the last bit of sanity she had left in her. She couldn't stand being "pampered and admired" by some psychopathic asshole, sitting on a chair backwards, while she sat on the cold, dirty floor of some abandoned shed that was conveniently in the middle of nowhere.

Kokomi came in every once in a while, but according to her appearance, she likely had never left the shed since they had gotten here either. Ryo seemed to grow increasingly annoyed every time Kokomi walked in asking him to fulfill their deal. He had been doing so in a very slow pace or at least that's what Y/n thinks.

It's been about 11 days since she's been here and soon to be 12th. She knew Kokomi was supposedly going to drop in today, but she had not come in still. Actually she hadn't seen that psychopath all day. (She only knew the time because of the clock, but she wasn't sure if the days were right.) Y/n was about to somewhat relax when Ryo came in with a big smile on his face, covered in blood. When was this guy ever not covered in blood?

The blood was fresh and there was only one thing Y/n could think of. He had murdered Kokomi. The last visit must've been his last straw before he decided upon this action. Upon seeing his "Oh-so-dear little sister" his smile softened and instead of going back to his usual chair, knelt right in front of her. He placed a bloody hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb, staining her skin.

Y/n hit his hand away in disgust. As if angered, Ryo grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pushed her against the wall, nearly choking her on the impact. His eyes were filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. She hadn't expected him to be angered by that, but she wasn't surprised when he restarted his rant of his "devoted brotherly love" to her.

"...I get it. I'm not leaving..."

'Not yet at least. I'm going to bash that head of yours into the ground first...'


Ryo angrily mumbled words as he tried to shove a spoonful of food into Y/n's mouth. Despite not eating anything given to her for the past week or so, she still had enough strength to continue resisting. She was lucky. She could've died from starvation or blood loss already. The amount of distrust she had for this psycho was immeasurable and this greatly angered the man. After a few tries, Y/n was able to successfully kick Ryo off of her. He fell back with the food which spilled onto the floor.

"You bitch..." He cursed before pouncing onto her, stabbing her leg and jabbing his elbow into her stomach. "Stop resisting and just accept me like you did that day!"

Y/n coughed up blood and remained silent. She glared back at him. There was no way she was going to give him the slightest bit of satisfaction and boost his sky high ego.

"Fuck off."


It had been 2 days since his last visit when Kazuha walked in. He said he had gotten some information, but wasn't 100% sure if it was related to the case. Thinking if there's a slight possibility it was, he had to tell Heizou, who would most likely be able to confirm things.

"Voices coming from the woods... What kind of voices?"

"The reports say the voices sounded female, but one was difficult to tell."

Heizou nodded. This was a strong lead. It was very likely that one of the voices belonged to Y/n. The two detectives spoke for a bit longer when a nurse came in with a smile. She first asked if they were busy before continuing to speak when they shook their heads.

"Mr. Shikanoin, the doctor says that you have fully recovered and that you are free to go! His only note was that you should still be careful once you leave."

"Thank you." Heizou replied with a nod. He looked at Kazuha who told him he would wait downstairs.


After going through a few documents at the front desk, Heizou walked out of the hospital, stretching his arms. The detective was prepared to go straight back to work and find Y/n as soon as possible, but Kazuha shook his head sternly, pushing him to go home. There was an annoyed look on Heizou's face as he stuck his tongue out at his companion.

"We'll investigate tonight. Take a walk and get some fresh air until then. No work yet."



A/N: I'll probably post more this week because I don't have school this week. 😘

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