Chapter 4

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'Ugh, why do I have such a bad headache today?'

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'Ugh, why do I have such a bad headache today?'

I was working at the cafe as usual, but I've had many customers repeat themselves many times already. Even though I thought I was hiding it decently well, it seemed my co-workers could already tell. The amount of times I've been asked "Are you okay?" is starting to annoy me.

"Y/n, you should take the day off. You don't seem too well."

"Thoma, I'm alright." I sighed. He's been telling me this a lot since I came to work. Thoma frowned and turned around to continue working, but he kept glancing back at me every now and then, opening his mouth to say something before closing it again. It seemed like he was starting to get annoyed which is unusual for him until someone came into the cafe and shouted my name.

I looked at the entrance to see Kokomi. She ran over to me, earning a few glares from the waiting customers and looked at Thoma, to which the man nodded. Kokomi walked behind the counter and began dragging me away.

"Wait- Kokomi, what are you doing? I need to work!"

"Don't worry, don't worry."


"I just baked some cookies with Gorou the other day. Oh, and you won't have to worry about it being too sweet. We made some with less sugar just for you!"

Kokomi continued to talk as we had the cookies. She seemed much more excited to talk then usual, but it helped me get my mind off things. Well I mean I guess until she mentioned a recent event.

"A detective came by my house earlier asking me about you. What was his name...? Right! It was Kazuha."

"That guy? Seriously?"

"Mhm. I didn't tell him very much, like always so don't worry!"

"You've been telling me not to worry a lot, Kokomi."

Kokomi's smile wavered a little before she let out an awkward laugh. She looked up at the clock and faked a surprised look. While pushing me towards the door she apologized saying she had to get to a meeting with her teacher soon. I blankly stared at the door before walking away, my headache slowly growing worse.


Even with the money I earn from the cafe, I don't usually earn enough for all the basic necessities and other things. When I go out to steal, I always make sure the area is known to be safe. I do that, yet why are there people chasing me down with guns in their hands?

There were people shouting behind me, but their voices were drowned within the raining bullets. All I could hear was loud banging from bullets being shot and barely missing me. I quickly took cover to recover my breath and looked at my enemies. They were a group known as the Treasure Hoarders, a majority of people who had sunk past the poverty line had joined this group, especially if they're desperate.

The group had almost caught up, so despite still trying to take deep breaths I began to run again. It was the middle of the night and from nearby buildings, lights started to turn on as people woke up from the shooting. I kept telling myself to keep running, the treasure hoarders' terrible aim will back me up.

A sharp pain ran through my right arm, I had been shot. I kept running and hid. The hoarders ran past me, thinking I had kept running. Blood gushed out of my arm, my ears rang, and my headache was worse than ever. There wasn't anything I could use as a bandage near me, so after many tries I ripped off a piece of my shirt and tried to wrap the fabric around the wound.

'Fuck. I should've used my jacket to stop the bleeding.'

Sirens echoed in the distance and I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness. I couldn't tell if the Treasure Hoarders were still nearby, but I knew there was something going on. While trying to steady my breathing, I suddenly recalled my deal with Heizou.


"If you help my cases in some way while you're doing your own thing, I'll let you off the hook and help you with one thing each time in return, but that's only if it's my case. It's a game of Hide and Seek with everyone else."


'Dammit. Now I've got no choice but to hope Heizou's here.'

Treasure Hoarders cursed as the police began to detain them and shove them in their cars. Footsteps came into my direction and I held my breath. I don't want to be caught. No, I can't be caught. I won't be caught.

Then, I lost consciousness.



You won't forget our game right? My intuition tells me we'll be doing this for a long time. Don't get caught too easily, alright? You can trust Kazuha at least. Be careful. Don't trust people too easily (though I'm sure that won't be a problem for you.)



A/N: Shorter chapter this time. I want to try making this story about as long as my first Kazuha ff so I might make Y/n hate Heizou's guts for a bit longer, sorry. :P

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