Chapter 23

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*Two Days Later*

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*Two Days Later*

Y/n had been called into the police station with Heizou and Kazuha that morning. She wasn't sure why, but it was probably serious. Who goes to the police station if the reason isn't serious anyways? The receptionist glanced at them and turned around to call a familiar woman over. Right after they were called, Kujou Sara came and took the three to a secluded room.

"Thank you for coming in today despite the late notice. We have something to discuss, regarding Aikawa Ryo."

The faces of the two detectives and lone thief became grim. They already had a feeling that they knew what words were going to come out of the woman's mouth, but continued to listen.

Sara sighed. "Aikawa Ryo has escaped, killing 5 officers in the process."

Y/n held her breath and it felt like her heart stopped working for a moment. She knew it was coming, but had wanted to prolong the feeling even for a minute longer. Heizou holds Y/n's hand from under the table.

"Do we know anything about his general whereabouts currently?" Kazuha interjects in.

Kujou Sara shakes her head. "It was almost like he had disappeared into thin air."

"Of course it was like that." Heizou grumbled, clearly annoyed.

The four discussed it further and decided to keep the investigation a secret yet not official. They would not outright go and look for Ryo, but proceed to go about their days while keeping one eye open at all times. Sure, they were annoyed that their work was destroyed just like that and it meant they were going to have part 2 of the previous case, but that's the thrill of their job isn't it?


It was around lunch and the two detectives were finishing up leftover work at the agency, so Y/n decided to go out and eat. She wasn't sure what to get so she walked through the streets, taking a look at every restaurant on the way. In the end, she got something cheap from a fast food restaurant and ate in a quiet place in a nearby park.

She was strolling through social media and came across one of Hibiki's posts. It was a picture of Hibiki with a hooded person, whose face was blurred out. The caption read: "hanging out with an old friend, he doesn't like showing his face smh." It was unusual for Hibiki to post anything that wasn't herself. Even if she was somewhere with a friend, she would only mention them, but not post them.

Y/n knew it was odd, but decided to overlook it just this once. She picked up her trash and threw it away, taking a walk before she went back home. As usual, she window shopped as she walked. It was a hobby she had taken on since she was younger. Her walk had been leisurely and calming until an injured looking person strutted in front of her and fell down. Quickly running to the person's side, she felt their pulse and shook them a little. The response was minimal.

"Someone call an ambulance!"


After being interrogated by the police, she was taken back to the house with a terrible headache. Y/n flopped onto the couch, annoyed by the eventful day, and mumbled practically utter nonsense in an angry tone. A minute or two later, she eventually got up and looked for some pain medicine.

While chugging a glass of water, Y/n turned on the tv to a random channel. The news station turns on and it talks about how dozens of people began falling unconscious all around the same time. That time was the same time Y/n witnessed the injured person fall during her walk. She couldn't believe it. How was all of this happening the day Ryo escapes?

Suddenly there was a loud bang from behind the house. Glass shattered on the ground at the impact of a bullet being shot. Y/n crouched on her knees and barely missed being hit. She swiftly crawled behind the couch as the shooting continued. She could hear the light footsteps of someone coming into the house between each shot.

Cautiously taking a pillow from the couch and covering her mouth, Y/n prepared herself to run. Having nothing but a pillow to lessen the impact of a bullet, she was unsure of how she could find a good chance. The shooting stopped and the intruder began walking around the front of the couch, slowly making their way to the back. Relying on her hearing, Y/n moved the opposite way of the intruder, hoping to make a dash out to the back.

"Y/n, I know you're there." a disfigured voice says.

They were clearly using a voice changer to make them unrecognizable, but she knew it was someone she knew and the only person she could think of was Ryo. There was a momentary silence of a few seconds that felt like minutes before Y/n heard the gun fall to the floor. Then she quickly dashed towards the shattered door. She felt a sharp pain in her side then on her right leg, but she managed to open the backyard door and make a run for it.

All she had on her was a thin cardigan, a pair of bloody slippers with broken glass pieces poking through, and her phone. Ryo didn't seem to follow her, so after she had reached a good distance away from the neighborhood, she dialed Heizou's number, still running. Heizou picked up almost immediately.


"Heizou, I'm near Ogura's. Get here quickly please..."

"What- never mind. I'm coming, wait for me."

"I can't wait here. Just look for me, I'll try going to you-_----_-_-___-"


Heizou heard the familiar sound of a bullet ripping through air and a loud crash from the phone being dropped. He was getting in his car when it happened. He kept calling out to Y/n, but all he heard was static and occasionally cut off voices. Pushing on the gas, he drives to the place Y/n told him to go to, his heart pounding like crazy in his chest.


A/N: It'll get better I swear 😅

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