Chapter 6

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A chilly breeze swept across the high grounds and the lights that shone below in the dark night felt surreal

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A chilly breeze swept across the high grounds and the lights that shone below in the dark night felt surreal. Only a few steps away, and she would release herself from her grief. Just a few steps... Each step she took away from the door, the wind grew stronger. Voices whispered in her head and she could not tell the difference between their thoughts and her own.

"Wake up..." a voice spoke.

She did not hear and continued closer to the edge. Her footsteps were unsteady, making it nearly impossible to walk straight.

"Wake up!" the voice spoke again with more urgency.

She reached toward the fall, wanting to perish while staring up at the stars and bright artificial lights coloring her body.



Y/n woke up, gasping for air. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she recalled her dream. It had felt so real... almost too real, like she had gone through it before. She looked around the room she woke up in. It wasn't her own. Of course it wasn't her own. Voices spoke from outside the room in hushed voices.

"Are you sure she's alright?"

"No, I'm not, but I'm surprised you're quite calm about this. Weren't you also good friends with the victim?"

"Oh- I uh... I suppose I'm still coping myself."

They were familiar voices, but at the moment she could not recall whose voices they were. She tidied her bed hair a bit before sliding her legs out of the blankets and letting them hang off the side of the bed. How long had it been since she slept in a regular bed? Her eyes lingered towards the nightstand, more specifically towards the picture that stood on the stand. In the picture was a small boy, who she recognized as Heizou. He was licking an ice cream next to a girl who seemed a bit younger than him and was hugging him with a big smile. What surprised her though, was how similar the girl looked to herself.

Y/n carefully took the picture in her hands to look closer. The two wore name tags, but the words were blurry and difficult to read. Then, she checked the date of the picture. It was taken a little over 12 years ago. She figured as much. There was no way she would remember even if the girl was her. Y/n set down the picture again and sighed.

"Oh. You're awake."

She turned around to the voice. Heizou stood in the doorway, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and the doorknob in the other. He seemed to have woken up not too long ago as he was still wearing his pajamas and his hair was still messy. The two awkwardly stared at each other for a minute until Y/n turned away. Heizou walked into his room, set the cup of coffee on the desk, and sat down next to Y/n on the bed.

"Alright, tell me. Are you feeling any better?"

Y/n fell backwards on the bed and shook her head, her cheeks still wet with tears. "How could I?"


Y/n cooped herself up in Heizou's room for the rest of the day. The sound of her phone being spammed echoed through the house, causing a slight irritation in Y/n. She quickly grabbed her phone and silenced it. How many times has Kokomi tried to call her now? So far nothing has come up in the investigation about Gorou's death. This whole situation left her uneasy and every waking moment she wishes she were the one to have died, not him.

As the sun was beginning to set, Y/n left the house and sat outside on the porch. She buried her head in her arms that laid on top of her knees. The sounds of cars rushing by and the talking of people occasionally walking past before they go to bed ringed in her ears as she closed her eyes. She might've almost fallen asleep.

"The night's have been growing chilly lately. We don't want you getting a cold now do we?" a voice chuckled behind her as it draped a blanket over her shoulders.

Y/n turned her head slightly and watched the male sit down next to her. Kazuha stared up at the sky with a melancholy smile. He, too, was mourning their dear friend's death. When she looked up at the sky with him, a small gasp left her mouth. The sky was filled with hundreds and thousands of brilliantly lit stars.

"I've noticed that the sky has been much clearer lately and that the stars have been easier to see."

Unsure of what to say, Y/n only nodded her head. Perhaps she wrongly assumed he would be a threat to herself. The two sat in silence for a while, Kazuha occasionally opening his mouth to speak poetic words in a calming voice. Y/n held the blanket closer onto her body as the breeze picked up. She glanced at Kazuha who only wore a thin cardigan, but shook her head, deciding that she did not know him well enough yet.

Nearby, Heizou was running back to the house, having made significant progress in the investigation. He held his knees, taking in deep breaths as the two watched him, surprised. Y/n stood up and bent down next to him, making sure he wasn't currently on the verge of fainting. It would be a real bother if she had to take him back to his room, not that she wouldn't have Kazuha's help but still.

Once the detective had recovered the three of them went inside together to discuss the newfound news. Their investigation was only just starting.


A/N: Okay, like so I was going to try and post this sooner, but like I didn't know what to write. Anyways uh... hope you like the chapter. Got some uh quality time with both anemo boys <3

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