Chapter 10

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'Y/n... stay with me.'

Y/n bolted upright breathing heavily. Heizou, who had been looking over the case with a cup of coffee, jumped in his seat a little because of her actions. She had started sleeping on the couch because "she didn't want to bother Heizou too much" despite the detective saying it wasn't a big deal. Flopping back onto the couch, she pulled the blanket over her face and sighed.

"This sucks."

Heizou hummed in agreement. He didn't look up though. His eyes remained glued to the map on the dining table. Deciding not to bother the detective's concentration, Y/n got up, folded the blankets, and got ready to go for a walk. When she got back downstairs Heizou was gone and only a note remained on the table.

The note briefly spoke of his plans to go to a few spots where the murderer often visited. Y/n folded the note, placed it in her pocket, and left the house, locking the door behind her.


Y/n walked around the streets with a mask on and took the chance to look around the busy city. She had always been in a hurry in order not to be caught so she never realized how interesting the city could be during the day. Suddenly a thought sprung up in her head. She was unsure if she wanted to go through it, but decided why not in the end. After all, she had nothing to lose.

When she entered the police station, the lady at the front desk looked up from the computer and greeted her. Y/n nodded in reply and just then a male officer walked in, stopping her. The man narrowed his eyes at her before gesturing to follow him. Y/n grew slightly annoyed and remained standing in the same place.

"Please, follow me. It's best if we don't have the conversation here."

"You make it sound as if I care. My reputation's already tarnished and I've got a detective watching my every action. We could totally have the conversation right here."

The man frowned. Then he walked behind the counter and borrowed the computer from the lady, to which Y/n assumed he was pulling up a file.

After a good minute or two the man straightened up again. "You're Aikawa Y/n, aren't you? Currently under the surveillance of Shikanoin Heizou."

"Yeah, I came here to talk about my house. The shitty looking pile of wood at that one deserted part of the city? I'm sure you'd know. You were there."

With an annoyed smile, the officer replied, "I'm afraid I cannot give you back your... 'house' due to a..." he glanced at the other people in the station before continuing, "multitude of reasons."

Y/n was clearly dissatisfied with the answer and let out a 'tsk.' She glanced at the other people just like the officer had before giving him a smug smirk. Fully aware of what crimes she had committed, she was curious as to how much the police knew.

"Why don't you tell me those reasons then, hotshot? I know Mr. Detective could and definitely would just to spite me."

The officer shook his head, stating that that would be inappropriate as his job is to make people feel safe. Y/n found this quite ironic but let it slide, turning to leave once again disappointed. The man ran to stop her, but with one step Y/n dodged, sending the man flying out the double sliding doors.


Continuing with her very eventful day, she hummed a random tune she had heard earlier during her walk. Y/n sat down on a bench in a nearby park to rest and leaned her head back with her eyes closed. She felt another presence behind her and when opening her eyes, she could've sworn she saw a pair of hands outstretched to her, but when she turned around, no one was there. Y/n frowned before deciding not to stay a minute longer.

'Y/n... Y/n... Y/n. I need you. Come back to me.'

Y/n whipped her head around to the voice, but once again no one was there and people looked at her weird as they passed. Perhaps she was growing paranoid, so she continued her walk back to Heizou's house, very alert.

'You're mine. Only mine. I'll get rid of anyone that gets in our way.'

The voice seemed closer and louder this time. Y/n covered her ears and shut her eyes tightly.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up." she mumbled to herself.

'Why can't you understand me? Even after all the things I've done for you?'

This time, Y/n bolted back to the house, slamming the door shut, sliding down the door and covering her ears again. Her body trembled in fear. Who's voice is this? Why was it familiar? No. No. No. No. She was simply imagining things. Yes, she was hallucinating... she must be... right?

Y/n was unable to think. Hundreds of thoughts from the same voice had overridden her every thought. Her vision blurred every few seconds, the world spinned, every sound she heard was distorted.

"Please, stop." Y/n let out in a quiet and barely audible whine.

She felt as if her vocal chords were sewn shut. Indeed she thought she might've gone mentally insane a long time ago, but she didn't think it would get this bad. Y/n kept continuing to open her mouth and speak again, but every time came out as a failure. Although she was barely able to read the clock, she could tell Heizou would not be back for a long time. How much more could she endure? She didn't know, but for once she hoped the detective would come back as soon as possible.

It seemed as though Heizou also had the same idea. Ever since he had left Y/n by herself, he had had an uneasy feeling within him. He knew she could take care of herself and that she would not do anything particularly idiotic enough to get arrested while under serveillance, but why did he keep second-guessing himself in the morning when leaving for work?

A small glimmer of red light in a dark alleyway caught his attention, turning on a small tracking device on his person, he cautiously walked towards the light. He would have to quickly finish skimming through the area before he could return to check up on Y/n.


A/N: I have an idea for an Albedo ff after this and I was hoping you guys would give me some feedback on how I should make Y/n be a bit more relatable to you to make that story more interesting and meaningful ig. So lemme know. <3

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