Chapter 17

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*About 1 week later

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*About 1 week later...*

Blowing on a cup of steaming coffee, Y/n made her way to the police station. She had gotten out of the hospital just yesterday after making a speedy recovery and was told to come in. When she entered she was brought into an interrogation room. After a few minutes of waiting, Kujou Sara walked into the room and began the wrapping up of the case. Y/n had no problem telling the whole story to the woman, who was very pleased with her. The interrogation didn't take long and Sara let her go right as they ended.

As soon as she stepped out, Y/n paused. Everything felt way too quiet and boring. She decided not to think too much about it as she had been feeling oddly exhausted lately. Taking a stroll through the city, she noticed many sales and decorated stores getting ready for the holidays. There were more people in the streets than usual, despite the weather being so chilly. Suddenly, she stopped.

'Ah. What am I going to do without Gorou and Kokomi?' Y/n wondered, taking another sip from her coffee.

She blankly stared at the sky and as if just realizing everything that had happened, tears welled up in her eyes. Using the sleeve of her coat, she dabbed the tears from her eyes before they began to pour out. Then, she continued to walk through the autumn decorated streets, mourning the loss of her friends and family.


On her way back to the hotel she had stayed at, she stopped to look through some shops. She looked at the items in the display window that piqued her interests. "Window shopping" as many people call it. It was a good activity to take her mind off of things. Especially at the clothing shops, she liked to imagine how she might look wearing the clothes.

While she was looking through one of the windows, giggling at her "interesting" ideas when she was pulled into a back hug. She jumped in surprise as Heizou laughed behind her.

"You should've seen the look on your face!"

"Fuck you. You scared the living shit out of me." Y/n replied, sticking her tongue out at him.

Heizou shrugged his shoulders with an "innocent" smile. He clearly did not feel sorry at all, rather he probably enjoyed seeing how she would react to certain actions. Probably something he picked up after he kissed her that day.

"Alright, what do you want?"

"Do I need a reason to see my beloved?"

Y/n had a knowing expression. She knew he had a reason to find her today, but she still could not hide the faint blush that appeared on her face. Heizou sighed. Some things are just too hard to hide (especially if it's something someone wants another to know).

"Kazuha and I are meeting up with some friends for thanksgiving and I was hoping you'd come with me."

"Fine, but only because I don't have anything planned..."


Later in the evening, Kazuha and Heizou came to pick up Y/n. She had on a dark red colored, oversized sweater and black leggings. The ride took around 10 minutes, but when the three had arrived, Y/n was flabbergasted by the place. Just one look at the place and she knew that this place was way out of her league.

'I feel like I shouldn't be here...'

As if reading her mind, Kazuha placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "Don't worry. It's just us and our friends here since the Kamisatos own the place."

"Wow. Rich people things, huh?" Y/n mumbled.

Y/n walked behind the two men as they entered the restaurant and she was glad she did. When they entered, Heizou was ambushed by a tall man with horns. (Are they fake? Who knows.) Y/n subconsciously scooted towards Kazuha, not knowing what to do in this kind of a situation.

"Heizou, my man! How are you?"

Heizou looked like he was being choked, but still raised a thumbs up. The energetic man laughed triumphantly. He acted as if he hadn't seen the detective in years. Kazuha tapped Y/n's shoulder and took her to the others to introduce her.

"Hey, it's Kazuha! And- wait! I know you!" A lively blonde haired girl shouted. She hopped up from her seat and grabbed Y/n by her shoulders. "You must be Y/n! I remember you from highschool!"

"Uh... you're Yoimiya... right?"

Yoimiya squealed in delight and ran to the commissioner's younger sister, Ayaka, shouting "She remembers!" over and over again. Ayaka giggled and gestured for Kazuha and Y/n to sit down at the table. Once they had sat down, a green haired lady wearing a mask peeked her head through the doorway and groaned. She muttered something angrily before walking away. In a matter of minutes there was yelling outside. The lady walked back in holding the energetic man from earlier by the ear.

"Itto, I told you not to make such a ruckus."

"I know, I know! Cut me some slack, would you, Shinobu?"

Heizou followed in afterwards with Ayato and Thoma. The atmosphere was lively and somewhat suffocating for someone who wasn't fond of large gatherings, but Y/n still enjoyed it. She found the group to be an interesting combination of calm and collected with energetic and talkative. The night was finished off with a round of hotpot, which led to a few stomachaches, but overall was very entertaining.


"Heizou, this isn't the way back to the hotel."

"I know."

Y/n sighed and leaned back into the car seat. She already knew where they were headed and had known Heizou would do this because of this she didn't do anything about it especially since she already had all her stuff with her. But it had been a while since she was last at the detectives' house.

When they arrived, Heizou took the initiative to push Y/n to his room to prevent her from trying to sleep on the couch instead. Y/n took a deep breath, knowing she wouldn't be able to convince the detective. Heizou was unsure if he was forcing her too much and decided to try joking a bit.

"Alright. If this makes you feel any better about this, just pretend we're having a sleepover. You know? Like when we were kids?"

"Pft. Sure."

Y/n slept quite well that night.


A/N: Happy Thanksgiving! I tried to make this chapter sort of a mix of a regular chapter and a thanksgiving special so hope it turned out alright. Btw if you do not like how a character or Y/n is in any of my ffs, you are free to give me advice on how I can make them better. 🦃🍁

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