Chapter 5

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"Miss Y/n! You shouldn't be moving around too much right now! You had severe blood loss and poisoning!"

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"Miss Y/n! You shouldn't be moving around too much right now! You had severe blood loss and poisoning!"

"Yet the longer I stay here the more likely I have to pay some sort of bill!"

Y/n clutched a nearby table, coughing. The nurses continued to try and have her get back into the bed, but to no avail. The injured woman pushed her way to the door and opened it. Nurses called out to her as she ran down the hallway. Many other patients and doctors watched her run past. A few even tried to stop her, only to be swatted away.

"Still causing a lot of trouble I see." a voice sighed.

Y/n glared into the direction of the voice only to be met with the detective she loathed grinning at her. She wondered if he was always grinning around her just to get on her nerves. Heizou shrugged his shoulders and relayed some information.

"If you're running about because of money, I assure you you don't need to worry about that. Thanks to our deal, I took care of that."

"So you were there that night."

The detective's eyes widened. "Why wouldn't I be there? Actually I should be making sure you get some rest. Come now. Let's get you back to your room." He said, changing his mind. Heizou tried to push her to her room, but Y/n had glued herself to the floor and wouldn't budge, so he dragged her by her arms instead.

Upon reaching the room, Y/n froze. She recalled what the nurse had told her earlier. It was something about losing a lot of blood and... poisoning? She hadn't eaten anything suspicious, or at least she didn't think so. Hitting her forehead a few times, Y/n tried to remember what she had before the whole incident.


"Where's my phone?" Y/n began to open drawers furiously, turning over everything inside. Heizou had called in someone to bring in her stuff and when they had come back, they handed Y/n her bag. She dug around for her phone before calling Kokomi and having everyone leave the room.


(Heizou's POV)*

I stood outside of the room, trying to listen in on Y/n's call. I know. I know. Eavesdropping on a female's call could be the death of me, but a detective's gotta do what he's gotta do, you know? In the room, I could hear Y/n dialing a number many times before someone picked up.

The conversation went something like this:

Y/N: Kokomi, what the hell-

???: Y/n, I- I know what I did was wrong! I just...

Y/N: First you drag me out of work, then you fucking poison me! I was nearly killed that night! If I had died without a scratch, do you know who would be responsible for that?!

???: I can't stand seeing you putting yourself through things you don't need to do! The poison wouldn't have killed you either way! I only gave it to you so you wouldn't go out to steal for a while! Why can't you understand?!

The conversation continued with more yelling. After some time, Y/n's voice died down and only the sound of faint crying could be heard. I knocked on the door and after Y/n allowed me to enter, I opened the door and walked in.


(One week later... - No one's POV)*

"What the fuck..." Y/n gasped. She had gotten off of work and had just turned the corner to her home, when she found police surrounding her house. There were people entering and coming back out, giving reports. She found it extremely rude and was tempted to demand them to leave, which was exactly what she did.

A police officer noticed her walk over and stopped her. "Sorry, ma'am. This is a crime scene, you are not allowed here."

"Yeah? Well this is my fucking house. I don't know what you mean by 'crime scene' but I find this to be a huge invasion of my privacy."

"This is your house?"

'Shit. I messed up.'

Y/n grew uneasy realizing her mistake. She looked towards the house and hoped they had not overturned everything inside. The officer was about to ask another question when another officer ran up to him and handed over her stuff. She quickly reached for her valuables, but a few more police grabbed her. Her throat became sore from yelling and when she got out of the police's grasp, red marks covered her arms.

"What do you think you're doing? I thought I told you to let me handle this myself."

"Detective Heizou-"

When Heizou showed up, he did not have his usual playful look. He looked furious, glaring at the officers for not listening to him. Y/n had taken the opportunity to retrieve her items and went to see why the police had described her home as a crime scene.

There was a horrid stench coming from her home as she got closer. Many more officers tried to stop her, but were quickly pushed aside. She turned around to glance at Heizou before opening the door.

"Y/n!" the detective yelled as he ran to kneel down beside Y/n. Her body trembled at the sight and had fallen to her knees. She wouldn't believe it. She couldn't. Heizou pulled her into his arms, trying to calm her down as tears streamed out of her (e/c) eyes.

Inside her home was a corpse, bleeding out. The body belonged to Gorou.


A/N: Wooh! Finally finished writing another chapter. I feel like even though I'm trying to lengthen the story, it's pretty hard to do that. Sorry, Gorou! :(

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