Chapter 18

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"Hatsu, Kota, why don't you go try playing with the other kids?" Y/n sighed as she lifted up a box of toys while the two children were clinged onto her, each one grabbing at her shirt or apron

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"Hatsu, Kota, why don't you go try playing with the other kids?" Y/n sighed as she lifted up a box of toys while the two children were clinged onto her, each one grabbing at her shirt or apron.

She had taken the job of working at a daycare, despite having a love-hate relationship with children. Luckily, most of the children weren't too young and were mostly well behaved besides the random bursts of energy they get from who knows where. At first she was slightly embarrassed by the ridiculous, bright colored uniform shirt and mismatched apron but after being exhausted, she really couldn't complain anymore. Especially since Heizou found her situation to be even more amusing because of this.

After working in the daycare for a month or two now, she's had to take care of the twins, Hatsu and Kota, quite often. Not because they caused any trouble or anything, but just because after her brother killed their parents, they were pretty much traumatized or rather confused since they are so young and needed special care. The twins didn't seem to care that Y/n was related to their parents' murderer and rather seemed to want to be with her more than any other staff member there, which led to her naturally having to be their caretaker.

They followed Y/n around until Hatsu noticed something or someone and quickly ran to the daycare gate. She raised her hand over the gate and giggled. Kota quickly followed. He was a little more laid back though, merely doing awkward but adorable little hops. A lady bent over the gate to pat their heads.

"Good afternoon, Miss Chinen! You're here early. Did you get off of work early today?"

Miss Chinen smiled. "Yes, I did. I hope the twins didn't cause you too much trouble today, Y/n."

"No worries. It was the same as usual, but they're slowly starting to warm up, I think."

"That's good."

Miss Chinen is a kind and loving woman. She's 27 years old and tends to foster or adopt children and because of this, works more than any woman like her should work. Hatsu and Kato are the youngest of the children, but don't get along with the others very well so she had to bring them to daycare. As an apology for always picking up the twins so late, Miss Chinen would often bring Y/n food and other little gifts as she also knows about Y/n's situation somehow.

Picking up the two children, Miss Chinen signed them out and left, waving to Y/n. She waved back and after they had left, she went back to work and also because some of the children had begun to cry. She tried to calm down the children and makes them apologize to each other especially since one of them had slapped the other for trying to take their stuffed animal away. Thinking about this Y/n begins to think children actually aren't that well behaved now that she's been with them long enough.

Her co-worker looks at the time and lets Y/n know that it was time for their break. She nods and goes into the staff lounge to finally eat her lunch. Just as she takes her lunch out of the fridge a different staff member walks in to tell her someone was waiting for her out front. Y/n groaned a bit but still went to the front and to her surprise found Heizou waiting for her.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

The detective shrugged. "There wasn't much to do today and I figured you wouldn't have eaten lunch yet which gave me the idea to take you out today."

"My microwavable lunch I took from the fridge this morning will go to waste though, Heizou!" Y/n replied, dramatically clutching her heart and looking away.

Playing along with Y/n, Heizou gasps (dramatically). "Is the microwavable lunch more important than spending time with me? How could you?"

The two laugh and Y/n goes to tell someone that she'll be out during her break. She came back, switching the apron for her coat, and the two walked out hand in hand.


A/N: I'm not writing where they eat bc I'm lazy <3

Y/n happily hummed as she skipped down the sidewalk after the two had eaten. Heizou followed behind her with his hands in his pockets. They had about 15 minutes to spare before Y/n had to go back to work.

"Why don't you get off of work early today?"

"Yeah I could, but that means you have to work more to make up for the things I need, so no."

"I'm spending money on you because I want to. You're my girlfriend."

Y/n stops and turns around, sticking her tongue out at Heizou. She turns around again and continues to skip. Heizou sighs, his smile not wavering one bit.

"At least take tomorrow off. One extra day before the weekend wouldn't hurt anything, right?"

"You're so stubborn, Heizou!"


Later that night, Y/n was laying on her side of the bed, scrolling through her phone. She felt like she was forgetting something, but couldn't remember what. It wasn't about work or anything, but more like she was forgetting about someone. Heizou flopped onto the bed next to her and pulled her closer by her waist.

"You might remember what you forgot later and if you don't, then it probably wasn't that important." Heizou mumbled as if reading her mind.

Y/n hummed in agreement and turned off her phone to turn around and face Heizou. She wrapped her arms around him, his warmth embracing her in response. She couldn't remember when she started being so open with Heizou, but she didn't really hate it. Heizou actually seemed to like that she was starting to open up to him more and teased her about it sometimes.

As the two dozed off, falling asleep in each other's arms, they didn't realize that someone would be coming soon, that would make their relationship a bit... complicating.


A/N: Sorry for the late post I think. Imma add a bit more drama into the story again yk so that the story actually isn't just full on lovey dovey stuff ig. I might not post this weekend but we'll see. :)

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