Chapter 6 - ice cream

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Katerina PoV:
I woke up to a knock on my door. "Come in." I said. It was Natasha. "Hey, have you only just woken up?" She asked and I nodded. "It's 1pm." She said while laughing. I groaned and rolled out of bed. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." She said and I could tell she was a little upset. "Sure. Why are you upset?" I asked as I dug through the bags of clothes. "Bruce and I broke up." She said and I have never been happier about a break up in my life. I wasn't happy that Natasha was upset though.

"No offence or anything but can you turn that off? Like the emotions reading thing." She asked. "Nope. When I get overwhelmed I can't turn the mind reading thing off either." I said and she nodded. I took my top off and put a bra on. Natasha cleared her throat. "Omg I'm so sorry." I said while covering myself with my hands. "I will come find you when I'm ready." I said as she left the door open 3 inches. I put on a white lace bra, a crème of the shoulder sweater and black denim ripped shorts. I put on doc martens and did my hair. I left it down. Then I did my makeup. I kept it natural and then I went to find Natasha.

I found her in her room. "Hey." She said while turning her tv off. "Hi." I replied and she got up and we walked downstairs. Bruce looked upset. We quickly walked past him without him noticing and got in her car. "Why do you and Bruce break up?" I asked. "Im just not into him anymore." She explained and I nodded. "Are you into someone?" I asked and she looked at me and cocked her brow. "I'm not sure yet." She said and i nodded. "Good to know." I replied and she laughed.

We got ice cream at sat at a park. "Did you ever think of me?" I asked and she looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "Of course I did. I tried looking for you a couple times." She said and my eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry. I feel like you've moved on and now I'm completely invading your new life." I said as tears fell down my cheeks. "Your not invading I promise and who said I moved on?" She said as she pulled me in for a hug. "You did. You said you moved on." I replied and we both laughed. "Well maybe I lied." She said and I smiled.

After talking for a little while longer we got back in her car and she drove us back to the compound. "Do you want to watch a movie." She asked and I nodded. We went back to her room and she put 'The Lion King' on. We snuggled up with each other and I rested my head on her chest.

"I'm sorry for what I said." I told her and she looked at me funny. "Your not self centred or full of yourself. Your the opposite. If anything you need to be more self centred." I said and she laughed. "Im sorry for what I said as well." She replied and I laughed. "It was true though, I needed to hear it." I replied and she nodded. "I could of said it in a nicer way though." She explained and I agreed. There was a knock on the door and Natasha got up to answer it.

"Oh hi Nat. Is Katerina in here?" I heard Peters voice say. "Yeah." Natasha replied. "Oh well I have a cupcake for her because she seemed upset last night. Like really-" He said but before he could continue I jumped up and went over to the door. "Hi Peter." I said cutting him off. "Hi I brought you a cupcake." He explained and I smiled as he handed me the cupcake. "Thank you." I replied while looking at the cupcake. "Bye!" He said as he walked off. "Bye." I called out after him. 

"Why were you upset yesterday?" Natasha asked. "It was just after our argument and I went to go get some air but I saw Steve making out with some random girl." I explained and Natasha nodded. "I decided that Steve and I would be better off as friends by the way." I told her and she smiled.

I ate my cupcake and went back to cuddling Natasha. She drew shapes on my back which lulled me to sleep.

I woke up sweating and my heart going a million beats per minute. Natasha's hand was on my cheek and she looked worried. I heard her mumble something but it felt like it was in the distance. I was back in the room where I got my 'Graduation Ceremony'. "Katerina!" Natasha yelled and pulled me out of my trance. Tears began streaming down my face and she pulled me in for a hug. Once I calmed down a bit we laid back down.

"Do you like me back?" I asked completely out of the blue and I knew she got nervous. "Yes." She replied and I felt her eyes on me even though we were in the dark. "What does that make us then?" I questioned and I felt her heart beating really fast against my head. "I don't know." She said and I nodded.

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