Chapter 13 - break up

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Katerina PoV:
I woke up to Natasha trying to get up. "No." I said as I wrapped my legs around her waist. "Baby let's go to bed." She said softly while picking me up. My legs were around her waist and my arms draped over her shoulders. My face was snuggled into the nook of Natasha's neck. She was holding my ass. I went back to sleep before Nat even entered the house.

Natasha PoV:
As I walked in the back door Clint and Laura were sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Late night I see." He said and I shushed him. "She's asleep so shut the fuck up." I whispered and he held his hands up in defence. I went upstairs into the guest room and put her on the bed. I climbed in next to her. I fell asleep pretty quickly.

(3 hours later)

Katerina PoV:
I woke up to Natasha drawing shapes on my stomach. "Good morning baby." Natasha said as my eyes fluttered open. "Good morning." I replied while wiping my eyes. I looked around the room and all of our stuff was packed up. "Thank you baby." I said while snuggling up to her. "It's ok." She replied and I gave her a kiss.

We cuddled for a bit before deciding to get up. I put one of Nat's hoodies on and went downstairs. "Auntie Katya why are you walking weird?" Lila asked and Natasha laughed. "Uh...I fell over and twisted my ankle." I said hoping Natasha wouldn't say anything. "Oh she sure-" Natasha started but I cut her off. "Have you guys had breakfast yet?" I asked while glaring at Natasha. "Yeah mommy made us pancakes." Cooper said and I nodded. "She told us to tell you to go to the kitchen." Lila said so that's where we went.

Clint and Laura looked upset, and I could literally feel the sadness radiating off them. "What?" I asked confused. "Bucky was sent on a mission to invade a hydra base with Steve and..." Clint stated but trailed off at the end. "No." I said as my eyes filled with tears. I fell to the floor but Natasha caught me. "I can save him." I cried into Natasha's arms. "Bruce already tried." Laura said but Clint knew what I was on about. "Katya no. Don't you even think about it." Clint said as he stood up from his seat. "I have to I'm sorry." I told him and Nat then knew what we were on about. "No Katya it will kill you." Natasha begged. "Natasha I love you so much but I have to." I explained to her as I got up and ran outside.

I got about 10 meters away from the porch when she shouted "If you do this we're over." from the porch. I froze. It was either save my best friend and lose Natasha, both of them alive and healthy, or lose my best friend and keep Natasha, one of them alive and the other six foot under. I turned around to face her and she didn't even have tears in her eyes. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss, a kiss full of love not a meaningless peck. "I love you Natalia." I said as I saw the kids in the doorway.

I gave them both a hug. "Can you remember Uncle Bucky?" I asked and they both nodded. "Well I have to save Uncle Bucky and because I have to save him I might not come back. But I need both of you to remember that Auntie Katya loves you so much. Can you do that for me?" I said with tears streaming down my face. They nodded. I gave cooper a hug and Lila a kiss on the head.

As I walked away from the house and over to the quinjet I began uncontrollably crying. I looked back and Natasha had no emotion on her face whatsoever. I put the coordinates in to the jet and put auto pilot on. I sat on one of the seats as the realisation hit that I had just lost Natasha. After half an hour of me sitting there balling my eyes out I finally landed at the compound. I ran of the jet as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast as my legs were basically jelly.

As soon as I got into the compound Steve was there. "Don't do this Katya." He said and im guessing my eyes started glowing purple because he looked scared. "I wouldn't have to if you had just protected him!" I screamed as I held him against the wall with my powers. "It should have been you!" I cried as he fell to the floor and began slowly approaching me. When he got close enough I started hitting his chest. "It's your fault!" I cried as I sunk into him.

"Where is he?" I asked and Steve looked at me. "Are you gonna kill yourself if I tell you?" He asked. "No i just wanna say goodbye to my best friend." I said and I knew I was lying. "Ok he's in the med bay." Steve said and I ran to the med bay.

I held both my hands over his body and as the warm glow appeared at my palms I closed my eyes. I put all the healing power onto him and I could feel myself getting weaker but I ignored it.

I heard the door open so I put a force field around Bucky and I. "Katya your going to die!" Steve yelled. "If it doesn't work then I've died for a good cause and if I die and it doesn't work then I have no reason to be alive, I've lost everyone!" I shouted back at him as I opened my eyes. "You have Natasha. She loves you!" He shouted at me with clear despair in his voice. "No we're done!" I shouted as I felt wobbly on my feet. "She still loves you though." He shouted as Wanda came in.

That's when everything went black.

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