Chapter 21 - Spain.

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Spain, Seville.

Katerina PoV:
"How you doing Agent Kovaleva?" Coulson spoke through my ear piece. "Wishing I was shorter." I spoke back while ducking under a cobweb. "Nothing yet. All my readings are normal." I said while looking over the walls of this creepy hallway.

"What about you, Skye? Any luck?" Coulson asked Skye through the ear piece. "I'm lucky Katya volunteered to take the super creepy hallway, instead of the slightly less creepy dungeon room place." She responded not knowing how to describe the room she was in. "I got nothing. Sorry na-da."

"Katerina, your spectrograph is reading something near you." Fitz said. "I don't see anything." I said while looking around. "Well it's right in front of you." Fitz replied and he sounded confused. "Oh, wait, no. Uh, ok, hold on. It's moving, NorthWest." He said.

I quickly shot round the corner. "Visual contact." I said as I saw a glimpse of someone. "Do not engage. I repeat do not engage." Coulson said in my ear piece but I had to. "Katerina! Do. Not. Engage." Coulson repeated knowing Natasha would literally skin him alive if something happens to me.

I got close enough to the person to push them into a wall. It was the professor that Coulson Fitz and Simmons went to see for information on the staff. "I have a wonderful explanation for this." He said and he looked scared.

"I've ran into some unexpected..." I said as I went to grab the staff. The runes started glowing and it began humming. I groaned in pain as I fell to the floor. I tried to let go of the staff but I just couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I was seeing flashes of when I got handed over to Dreykov.

"Katya what's happening?" Coulson asked over the ear piece. I was still trying to gather my thoughts when I heard Fitz in the background. "Her device just went down." "Skye can you get-" Coulson started but was cut off by Skye. "Already on it."

Skye PoV:
I ran to the super creepy hallway Katya went down and quickly found her. She was face down on the floor so I kneeled down and shook her a bit. "Katya, are you alright?" I asked while worry unintentionally filled my voice. She shot up and scurried away from me. "Hey, hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa." I tried to comfort her as she was clearly distressed.

I haven't know her for long but I could tell she wasn't one to show emotion unless it was something serious.

"Katya, calm down." I attempted to comfort her by placing a hand on her knee but she didn't like that so she shoved it off and glared at my with her eyes glowing purple. I wasn't offended though, physical touch wasn't for everyone. "Calm down." I told her and I noticed her breathing start to even out.

"The staff he has it." She said acting like nothing happened. "Somethings wrong with Katya. The staffs gone, someone took it." I said into the ear piece while Katya got up. She stumbled a bit but supported herself with the wall.

*back on the plane*

Katerina PoV:
Skye and Coulson are forcing me to have this test done. It's embarrassing because I have to be in my bra for them to put the things on my chest. "This is ridiculous." I said as Simmons and Fitz looked at their tablets to see the results of my test. "It's anything but, Katya you pasted out. And you were acting not right." Skye explained and before I had the chance to say anything Simmons said, "Coulson ordered me to give you a full work up and that's exactly what I'm doing."

"Um, before you lost consciousness were you feeling claustrophobic?" Simmons asked and I rolled my eyes. "Why?" I asked not understanding why she needed to know. "She's ruling out a panic attack." Fitz spoke up from behind me. I scoffed. "I don't panic. Ever." I told them and I could feel the nervousness radiating off Fitz and Simmons. "There we go, ruled out." Simmons said while letting out a breath at the same time.

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