Chapter 31 - older sister

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Katerina PoV:
I woke up before Nat and decided to go make coffee for both of us. I went downstairs and had a bowl of cereal so I could take my meds. I finished my breakfast and then made the coffee. I sat down at the kitchen island and looked at the box.

I decided to open it. In the box was a phone and the polaroid picture of Nikola and I from when we were kids. There was also a piece of paper with an address on it. I checked the contacts on the phone. There was only one under 'позвони мне' (call me). I had a bad feeling about it so I didn't do it.

Nat walked downstairs in one of my oversized tops and her underwear. "What's in it?" She asked and I avoided eye contact. "An address, a phone and this." I explained, at the end holding the picture up for her to see. She pulled me in for a hug. "It's fine but you know I have to go to that address." I told her and she sighed. "I'm coming with you." She said and I shook my head.

"What if it's dangerous, she won't hurt me and even if she try's to I won't let her." I tried to tell her but there was no changing Nat's mind once she had it made. "What if you can't stop her. You don't have your powers anymore. She can hurt you." She reminded me and I felt my eyes fill with tears. "Trust me Nat I remember that I don't have my powers but she's way more likely to hurt you." I snapped at her and she wiped a fallen tear off my cheek. "Sorry." I mumbled even though I knew that she knew I wasn't angry at her I was just overwhelmed with everything happening. "How about you come with me but wait outside and if I need you I will shout for you if I need you as backup." I compromised with her and she didn't look too happy about it but agreed.

"We should probably start getting ready if we want to get there at a solid time." I said and she nodded. I could see she didn't want me go because she could see I was already on edge but I had to do this.

And I knew I didn't have my powers anymore. HYDRA quite literally sucked them out of me a year or so ago. I still have nightmares about it. Let's just say it was a bit of of a sensitive topic.

We both got ready. I put denim black shorts, a tight black tank top on and a leather jacket on. It was risky having my legs out, not that denim was bullet proof or anything but it meant they would be on display and an obvious target area if she tried to stab me. I put my hair up in two dutch braids. Natasha wore black jeans and a looser fitting top with her leather jacket.

Nat drove my motorbike onto the quinjet as we wouldn't be able to land close to the house as she would hear us coming. We got on the quinjet and Natasha was the pilot as usual. I had the polaroid in my pocket and before I went in I was gonna put a gun in the back of my waistband.

It was a 4 hour trip and I forgot my headphones. Usually I put them on when I didn't want to talk to anyone, like now, so I just sat there and just stared of into space.

Natasha placed a hand on my shoulder and I threw myself away from her. I didn't feel like myself. "We are here." She said sceptically as I stood up. "Sorry. I need the toilet quickly" I mumbled as I walked over to the tiny bathroom on the jet.

I looked in the mirror and I didn't recognise who I was. I cupped some water in my hands and put it on my face hoping it would help me recognise myself. "Babe hurry up!" Natasha shouted through the door. I flushed the toilet and walked out the bathroom. "You ok?" She asked and I nodded. I put a gun in the back of my waistband.

I drove the motorbike off the jet and Nat locked the jet. "You know where we're going?" She asked and I slightly nodded. "I should do as long as the roads haven't changed." I said and that's when it clicked for her. "Ok." She replied.

I drove to the house, my childhood house. I quickly picked the lock and made sure Nat wasn't coming in behind me. I kicked the door open and kicked shut behind me. "I know you are there!" A woman's voice shouted from a distance. She had a prominent english accent. "I know that." I replied and I heard her laugh. "Then why are you shuffling around like a lost pig, sprinkles." She said using my nickname from when I was younger. She was moving, trying to get behind me.

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