Chapter 33 - our baby girl

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5 years later

Katerina PoV:
"Sasha come on! Uncle Bucky is here!" I shouted up the stairs as I saw Bucky pull up outside. "I'm coming mama!" She shouted back while running downstairs. "What took you so long?" I asked while she ran into my arms. I picked her up and her arms and legs wrapped around me. "I was saying goodbye to all my...мишки (teddies)" she told me and I laughed to myself. I put my daughter down as the door opened.

Natasha opened the door and Bucky gave her a quick hug before crouching so he was the the same hight as Sasha. "There's my girl!" He said excitedly as Sasha ran into his arms. She softly giggled as he picked her up. "I missed you so much!" He told her and she just carried on giggling. "I missed you too!" She replied while Nat wrapped her arm around my waist.

"I hope you two have fun." Bucky said while smirking at us. "Wait I haven't said goodbye yet." Sasha explained to him and he put her down.

Sasha ran up to Nat first and wrapped her arms around her legs. "Goodbye mommy! I will miss you!" She exclaimed while Nat gave her a kiss on the head. "I will miss you two sweetheart." Nat laughed and it warmed my heart seeing this interaction. 5 years ago this would of just been a dream but now it was real and had been for 3 years now.

"Goodbye mama. I will miss you as well!" She told me as she crashed into my legs. "I will miss you too, I love you." I reminded her while giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too." She replied while running off to Bucky's car.

"Thank you for taking her, we have a bit of catching up to do." I joked and he laughed. "It's no problem, Steve and I love having her stay." He replied and I nodded. "Bye!" Natasha yelled as they drove off while we waved bye.

"Can we stay in tonight, I don't really have the energy to go out." Nat said and I nodded. "Of course we can." I replied while we moved over to the couch. We put a movie on and I laid on top of my wife while she drew shapes on my lower back.

"I love you." She said. "Well I fucking hope so, I mean we are married." I joke and I looked at her. "I'm serious Kat." She said and I looked at her. "I love you too." I responded and she gave me a quick kiss, afterwards she had a little glimmer of something in her eye. "You want me to go make you food don't you." I said and she slowly nodded. "Yep." She replied but I was already getting off her. "You really are a sneaky bitch sometimes!" I shouted from the kitchen.

"You know you love me!" She shouted back and I just rolled her eyes because I knew she was right, and she knew she was right. I made her a PB & J sandwich and took it into the other room for her.

"Here you go your highness." I joked and she glared at me. "You had a bite out of my sandwich!" She yelled while pointing at the missing corner of her sandwich. "I was treating myself, plus I could of just told you to go make your own sandwich." I replied while sitting next to her. "Ok fine," she huffed. "Thank you." She replied while starting to eat her sandwich. "Your welcome." I replied.


I woke up in Nat and I's bed and I checked the time. 10:27 am. I heard the shower running and saw Nat washing her hair. I saw a missed call from Steve on my phone and quickly phoned him back because I knew it would be Sasha wanting to talk to Nat or me. "Hello?" Steve asked wondering who he was talking to, me or Nat. "Hey." I replied mid-yawn. "You're only just waking up?" He questioned in disbelief. "Uh yeah, you cannot judge a little lie in is nothing compared to seventy-odd years, old man." I joked but he didn't find it very funny.

"Sasha wants to talk to you and Nat." He changed the topic so fast it was like he was trying to cover up a murder. "Ok let me get Nat," I informed him. "Nat Sasha is on the phone!" I shouted. "Give me a second, Im naked!" She shouted back and I heard Steve mumbled something. "I don't give a fuck, we have a kid together, I've seen your boobs plenty of times I wouldn't worry too much!" I shouted back and I heard her sigh. "Shut up!" She yelled and I just laughed at her.

"Mama?" Sasha said from the other end of the phone. "Hey baby, are you having fun?" I asked while Natasha walked out, wrapped up in a towel. "Yeah but you just said a bad word!" She scolded me and Nat laughed. "I have good reasons though, it was at mommy. She was being very annoying, I'm sure you understand that." I explained to her and Natasha punched me in the arm. "You taught me there was no excuses but I understand don't worry." She told me and I heard Steve and Bucky burst into laughter in the background. "Thank you, mommy really wants to talk to you so I'm gonna hand the phone over to her now." I told her and she hummed in response.

I didn't really pay attention to their conversation as I was getting dressed but I did pay attention when Natasha slapped my ass. "Stop it!" I complained as I pulled my hoodie over my head. "Are you coming shopping with me?" She asked while changing her earrings. "Yeah of course I am." I replied. "I love you." She said and I blushed. "I love you too." I reminded her.

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