Chapter 10 - calming down

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Natasha PoV:
It's 8am, I heard the jet land and I ran downstairs. I saw her give fury something and then collapse. "Katerina!" I shouted as I ran over to her, tears pricked my eyes threatening to spill. "Help me get her to Bruce." Fury said so we carried her to him. At this point tears were running down my face.

"You need to wait outside." Bruce told both of us but I shook my head. "No I'm staying here." I argued as I wiped the tears away from my eyes. "Someone get her out." Bruce said and fury dragged me out.

"Get off me." I yelled at him. He let go of me and I waited by the window. I watched Bruce give her blood and stop the bleeding. I saw her eyes flutter open and fury held my wrist. "Don't." He said and I looked at him.

She began crying and at first I was confused why. I thought about it for a bit and then I realised.

Katerina PoV:
I woke up and I was on a table. No. I tried to get up but someone stopped me. "No." I said while tears started streaming down my face and my breathing went funny. I started sobbing and then Natasha burst in. "Baby it's ok." She said as she knelt down in front of me. "Katya your not there I promise." She said while stroking my face. "Focus on me and copy my breathing." She said as she took my hand and placed it on her chest. I focused on her beautiful green eyes and as her chest rose mine did as well. After a couple of seconds her chest fell mine did as well. She wiped my tears away and kissed my hand. She glanced over to Bruce. "Do you want to go to bed?" She asked and I nodded. She helped me get up and we went upstairs.

I got changed and climbed into bed with Natasha. "I love you." Natasha said while kissing my head. "I love you too." I replied as she pulled me closer towards her. I slowly fell asleep and Nat did as well.

5 hours later

Wanda PoV:
I knew Katya had to go on a mission so I didn't get the chance to talk to her. I went into the kitchen to get cereal and there was a trail of blood going into the med room. I just assumed Steve stole Bucky's arm again. As I entered the kitchen Fury was eating toast. "Hey." I said and he looked at me. "Hi." He replied and I looked over at Bruce who had a black eye and he was covered in blood. "What happened?" I asked. "Katya accidentally kicked me in the eye while I was stitching her leg up." Bruce explained and I was confused. "Why did she need stitches?" I asked because she was Fury's best agent and literally never gets hurt on missions. "She got stabbed in the leg." Fury said and my face dropped. "She's like the best-" I went to say but I got cut off. "Maximoff if you have so many damn questions go and ask her yourself, or you could just dig around in her head again." Fury stated and I looked down while he walked over to me. "Never do that again otherwise you will be off the team." He said into my ear.

I walked back upstairs and decided to go check on her. I knocked on the door and I heard some shuffling behind the door. Katya opened it and as soon as she saw me her face dropped and she was glaring at me. "I just wanted to check that you were ok." I asked and she laughed. She pinned me to the wall and got all up in my face. "Leave me alone otherwise I swear to god you will never see the light of day again." She said as her eyes began glowing purple. She then let me go. I ran to my room.

Katerina PoV:
I was at my last straw with Wanda. I don't care if she's my sister. Her parents literally abandoned me. That's not her fault but I don't care. I got back in bed with Natasha. "Are you ok?" She asked and I nodded. "Are you sure?" She asked and I looked down and my hands. Sparks of purple were bouncing on my finger tips. 

I immediately jumped up and went to the other side of the room. "Get away from me." I said in a shaky voice. I would never be able to live with myself if I hurt Natasha. "Baby it's ok." Natasha said while slowly edging towards me. "No I dont want hurt you." I argued and she just continued getting closer to me. "Natasha stop it please." I said but she continued to get closer.

"I'm not scared of you." She promised as her hands rested on my hips. "You should be." I said under my breath but she heard me. She placed her finger under my chin and forced me to look at her. "Katya you are not dangerous." She said sternly while we maintained eye contact. "Prove it." I teased as I broke the eye contact to look at her lips. She bit her lip and looked at my lips for a split second but then back at my eyes. She leaned in to kiss me and I used my powers to lock my door.

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