Chapter 32 - having a chat

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Katerina PoV:
I'm in Nat and I's bedroom right now. I'm sat on the bed crying from how overwhelmed I was. It was just everything going on right now. There was knock on the door. "It's me." Natasha's voice said and I got up and opened the door. She could tell I had been crying.

"Baby come here." She told me while closing the door. I nestled my head into the nook of her neck and silent tears fell from my eyes. She rubbed my back as I melted against her touch. "I need to see Bucky." I mumbled and she looked at me. "I can call him now?" Nat suggested and I nodded.

"Hey Natasha what's up?" He asked as Nat held me close to her chest while I cried. "I need you to come over, like now." She told him trying her best to comfort me. "Why is Katya crying?" He asked worry filling his voice. "It's not my place to say." I explained to him and I heard him rushing around in the background. "Do I need clothes?" He asked letting out a breath. "Probably." Nat replied while I continued crying. "Tell Katya I love her and I will be there soon." He said just before he hung up. "Bucky sends his love and he will be here soon." Nat told me and I nodded.

"Where is she?" I asked while pulling away from Nat. "In the kitchen having a hot chocolate." She told me and I nodded.

"Can you stay up here while I go and talk to her?" I asked and Nat nodded. "Of course I can." She said and I gave her a quick kiss before going downstairs. I wiped my eyes and went into the kitchen.

"Hey Sprinkles." She said while sitting at the kitchen island. "Don't call me that." I warned her and she held her hands up in defence. I sat down next to her and an awkward silence filled the room.

"It's just us now. Why didn't you reach out to me." I asked while trying not to cry, again. "I didn't want to invade with your perfect avenger life. Why didn't you reach out to me?" She replied as a tear fell down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. "I didn't know you were alive, you cover your tracks pretty well." I replied and she pulled me in for a tight hug.

At first I was tense but then I slowly accepted the hug and hugged her back. "Can we watch a film." She asked and her voice was shaky, she was terrified I would say no. "Yeah." I replied and we went into the living room and sat on the couch.

I let her choose the movie because I was just grateful that we made our way back to each other. "Can I braid your hair?" She asked and I nodded. When we were younger she would always do a dutch or french braid in my hair and I loved it.

She did a dutch braid down the middle of my head relatively quickly. It made me feel like everything was normal again. Like how it did when we were younger. But at the back of my mind I knew it was never true.

She laid down and I laid next to her. I wrapped my arms around her stomach. I slowly fell asleep as the film played in the background.

3 hours later

I woke up to the sound of a car pulling up outside. I quickly jumped up and saw Bucky practically running to the door. "Holy shit the Winter Soldier is outside!" Nikola said in complete shock and I shot her a glare. "That's not the Winter Soldier, that's Bucky." I told her and she held her hands up in defence, again.

I swung the door open and he engulfed me in his arms. "What's wrong?" He asked and my eyes filled with tears again. I looked behind me to see Nikola shoving her face with dry cheerio's. "Who the fuck..?" He questioned as I closed the door behind me so she wouldn't hear our conversation.

"I know we don't really talk about our pasts but do you remember everything? I don't mean the killing part, I mean does the name Dottie Underwood ring a bell?" I warily asked and he looked at me. His gaze was sad and completely and utterly shocked. " does." He said and that's when it clicked for him. " I am." I joked as tears streamed down my face while doing jazz hands.

He quickly pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back. "Who's in your kitchen?" He asked before we went back inside. "Nikola, my sister." I told him and he was shocked. "When did she show up?" He asked as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Natasha can explain." I sighed and he put his arm around me.

"If it's ok I don't really want to call you Dad. It just doesn't sit right with me and I don't think I will ever be able to see you like that. To me you will always be Bucky, my best friend." I explained to him and he agreed straight away. "Honestly same. I would never be able to see you as my child. Plus it would be kinda weird because Steve would be your stepdad." He joked and we both laughed. I wiped my tears away.

"I really want to meet your sister." He told me so I opened the door for him to go and say hi. "Her and Nat can explain everything. I don't really want to talk or think about it so I'm going to bed but thank you for coming over." I told him and he understood. "It's no problem." He reassured me.

I went upstairs to find Natasha reading a book on our bed. I got in bed and rested my head on her chest. "After this mission, I'm out." I told her and she put her book down. "What do you mean?" She questioned even though we both knew what I was on about. "I mean that I don't want it anymore. I want to have a family with you, a normal life." I explained to her and she nodded. "Then I'm out as well." She told me and I nodded. "I love you." She said and just like the first time I got butterflies in my stomach. "I love you too." I replied as she tucked strands of hair behind my ear.

I slowly fell asleep in her arms while she traced shapes on the back of my neck with her finger.

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