Chapter 24 - gone a little wrong

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Katerina PoV:
I broke into his hotel room. I'm just waiting for him to get back. While I'm waiting I decided that I may as well have a little look around. Nothing. He only had a bag that was full of clothes. I heard the door open. I sat on the chair on the corner of the room.

He held his gun up at me. I used my powers to flick it out of his hands. "Who are you?" He asked and I laughed at him. "You don't remember me?" I asked as I felt him get nervous. "Should I?" He asked, backing away from me. "Yeah. But that can wait. We are going to go out through the lobby and you will pretend to be my dad then you will do as I say."  I explained to him and he scoffed. "And why would I do that?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Because I know about Cecelia, I know she thinks you're helping Santa with wrapping all the presents in time for Christmas right now. I will not hesitate to take her and make her watch me kill you." I explained to him and he went pale. "Dont you dare say her name." He said while angrily walking closer to me. "Or what?" I asked walking closer to him as well, not backing down. He didn't say anything. "Exactly, do as I say and no one gets hurt." I told him knowing I was going to kill him anyway. "Fine." He groaned.

As we got to the lobby he gave me a look. "You want to protect Cecelia right?" I questioned and he nodded. "Then do as I say." I reminded him as the doors to the elevator opened.

"Can you please just tell mom I'm to busy to go flower picking with her." I complained in the best American accent I could put on. "Of course I can sweetheart." He replied copying my accent. We got out the lobby and I took him into the alley where I parked the van I 'borrowed'. I shoved him in the back, put a bag over his head, tied his hands and feet together with duct tape and kicked him in the head causing him to blackout.

When we got to the factory I made sure no one else was around before getting him out. I shoved him into the building and took him up to the highest floor, 4th floor.

I tied him to a chair and waited for him to wake up. After 2 minutes I got bored of waiting so I slapped him across the face. "Where am I?" He groggily asked. "Somewhere." I bluntly replied. "I think I know who you are." He replied, this time not letting his head flop about. I just clapped. "Your Karina but that leave's me with the question why am I here?" He concluded and I scoffed. "First of all my name is Katya. Second of all you're here so I can kill you." I explained to him and he laughed as he broke out of the duct tape. "You won't do that." He told me and I rolled my eyes. "And why not." I questioned already ready to tear his head off. "Because if you lay a finger on me and if you don't let me leave she will make you re-live all of those things you store away at the back of your mind." He said pointing behind me.

A girl no older than 13 stood there and looked numb. She reminded me of myself at that age. Her eyes began glowing a dark green so I made mine glow purple. She didn't flinch but I could feel her nerves start radiating off her.

"She is the result of Dreykov buying an enhanced being from HYDRA." Oleg said and I rolled my eyes. "You think a little girl will stop me?" I joked and he laughed. "Yes I do." He replied smugly. I pulled the gun out of my waistband and aimed it at him. The little girl used her powers to fling the gun out of my hands.

I used my powers to get the gun back in my hands. I pulled the trigger and the bullet lodged itself into the middle of his forehead. The girl ran up to me and tried to take me down but I restrained her. "You don't have to do this!" I shouted at her. "But I do, he will kill me otherwise!" She shouted back still resisting my restraint. "Who?" I asked lowing my voice. "Dreykov." She replied and I let go. "What's your name?" I asked as she stood up. "Julia." She muttered, this was clearly one of her first missions.

I couldn't let him hurt her. Even if it meant letting her dig around in my head. "Julia, do it but when you go back I need you to tell Dreykov Karina is coming for him." I said and she nodded. "I'm so sorry." She said as she placed her hands on my head.

I groaned in pain and squeezed my eyes shut as I fell onto my knees.

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