Chapter 1: Dear Diary, Here's Some Exposition

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February 14, 2006; 30 years before the Split

Dear Diary,

Ugh. Valentine's Day.

Another day of my parents constantly pestering me on getting a girlfriend.

I wanna tell them that I'm not interested in that kind of stuff, and that I want to focus on things like building my brain, but I also don't want to disappoint them. I can't disappoint them.


Anyways, I've recently discovered that I'm now the 10th smartest person on the planet! And I'm only 6!

I honestly don't know why I'm able to learn things so fast. I've heard of photographic memory, but even that doesn't seem to describe my learning speed.

Just the other day, I only plucked a couple strings on a guitar, and in less than a minute, I could play a full song without a single mistake!


Or, at least I would've if my fingers hadn't started bleeding. Guess my muscles don't get strong fast as well.

I've started making a couple theories on why I might be this way. One of them has something to do with the Swords of Creation.

I believe there might be a special connection between the swords and our bloodline, which allows the brain power of anybody in our family to be exponentially increased. My theory is that I was born with photographic memory, and along with the supposed boosting of my brain, the swords ended up strengthening my memory so much that I could learn anything in the blink of an eye!


Though, then again, my parents have mentioned that I've been mentally maturing faster than any normal person as well, so maybe that theory needs some fine-tuning before I can come to any conclusions.

There's also the birthmark on my neck, of a white gardenias flower. It feels too accurate to the real thing to be normal.

And along with that, I swear sometimes I hear somebody talking to me when I'm staring in the mirror... but maybe that's just my imagination.


Y'know, even if I was interested in things like girls, there's no girls that I've ever met that I've found attractive.


Maybe it's because I'm like Issac and Dylan.

No, it's not that. I'm sure it's something else.


Anyways, I need to go, my dad's calling me. Talk to you later!

Aww. He's still coming to terms with who he is! Don't worry Steve, you'll get there eventually.

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