Chapter 47: Enemy Scouting

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1 day later, at the B. B. R. base

I was crouched down on the edge of a ridge, holding my sword in the form of a sniper rifle and overlooking the 'Bring Back Rowan' base's defenses.

So far, I had already spotted a shield generator on the roof that created an invisible energy shield around the base, 100 soldiers pretending to be United States soldiers, all patrolling the perimeter, and dozens of rocket turrets placed on and around the base that would destroy any approaching vehicle in seconds.

As I continued to scout the base's outside, Rowan made a comment. "B-by the w-way... what k-kind of name i-is 'Bring Back Rowan'?"

"You'd be surprised how uncreative your father can be," I said.


"W-why would he m-make an entire base to b-bring me back?"

Maybe Robert actually cares about Rowan, the voice suggested.

Maybe. But either way, Rowan would do better with me than with him.

You're lucky you're right, or else you would sound selfish there.

Everybody's selfish to some extent, even those who sacrifice their own happiness for others.

"So I g-guess you're t-talking to the v-voice again. A-alright."


"I think that's everything on the outside. C'mon," I said as I transformed the sniper rifle back into a sword, sheathed it, then started to climb down the rope we had set up so we could safely get to the base on foot.

Rowan followed shortly after, and in about a minute we both reached the ground, which had a forest hiding us from enemy sight. We crouched down and snuck our way through the forest, trying not to get spotted by any patrolling soldiers.

"So, w-what's the plan, b-boss," Rowan whispered.

"We get in, place a bomb on the reactor that when detonated will cause a chain reaction that will destroy the entire base, gather any supplies we might need in the future, then exit the base to a safe spot, where we can watch the fireworks."


"D-do you ever, w-well... f-feel bad about killing t-these s-soldiers? I mean, some of them are probably just trying to feed their f-families," Rowan asked as we crawled under a log being held up by two boulders.


"Sometimes. But then I remind myself that we're merely protecting ourselves, and they'd kill us if we didn't do this."

"I-I know, I-it's just... I d-don't know."

"You don't have to, it's perfectly understandable. We're teenagers, you especially. Of course we'd feel bad... no offense."

"N-no, I understand w-what you mean. Y-you mature faster t-than me," Rowan responded as we hid behind two trees to avoid a turret's sight.

We were almost through the forest at this point, which meant we were almost done with the easy part. As we approached the forest's edge, I held my arm back to stop Rowan, then whispered "Wait. I wanna see something."

I then grabbed a cyan-striped grey ball out of my belt, squeezed it, and rolled it towards the edge of the forest. After a second, my gauntlet computer beeped silently, so I opened it for the both of us to see, and saw a wall of sensor traps buried under the ground that, if triggered, would reveal to the turrets exactly where we were.

"W-what now," Rowan asked, knowing I probably had a way around this.

I pressed a button on the computer, which closed it and magnetized the ball to allow it to come back to me. I grabbed it and put it back in my belt when it came close enough, then grabbed the teleportation disks and two stealth disks, handed one of the teleportation disks to Rowan, and said "Shoot it as close to the edge of the energy shield as possible without hitting it."

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