Chapter 40: The Moment Before The Battle

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The Next Morning

I walked out of Cooper's office again, now with his permission to continue the mission. I hated that his plans are aligning with mine as much as they are, but at the moment I couldn't do anything about it. I headed to the elevator and started it, making it take me to the ground floor, where Issac and Dylan were currently informing the rest of the unit about yesterday's events.

Luke had already left to go see his dad, so he had to talk to the rest of us through video calls. It wasn't going to be too much of a problem, though it could get pretty annoying if the internet connection got worse. But hey, family's more important than anything else, and should always be taken as a first priority.

The elevator hit the ground floor and opened it's doors, allowing me to exit it and head to training room 3, where my unit was currently. But first, I had to head to my quarters so I could get my gear and eat breakfast. I hadn't eaten anything other than the nutrients from the suit, so I was looking forward to it.

Once I entered my room, I said to the room's AI "Enter Lockdown mode, and initiate Bacon And Eggs." In response, the door locked and I started hearing the cracking of eggs and the sizzling of a pan behind the right wall of my quarters.

I pressed the button on the dresser that flipped the wall around, and after the nanotechnology collapsed on the floor and formed around my body, I grabbed the rest of my equipment. Once I was done getting my gear and had my helmet collapse into the suit, I heard the amazing smell of cooked bacon and scrambled eggs, one of my favorite meals.

I waited another minute, and the room's AI said "Breakfast is served," before a hole in the shape of a line in the right wall was formed, and a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon was put on the hole, and when I grabbed the plate the hole disappeared. I grabbed a chair next to my dresser and set it in the middle of the room, then sat in it and began to eat slowly.

5 minutes later

"Wow, that's... a lot to take in," Rose said after hearing Issac and Dylan's explanation of the other day.

"I do have a question," Isabelle stated.

"What is it," Issac responded politely.

"Where is this Rob? I remember seeing his children earlier, but not Rob himself."

"We don't know," Dylan answered.

"He's out getting something for me. He should be back any minute now," I answered as I entered the currently inactive training room.

"And another thing," Isabelle said, her voice getting louder.

"Why exactly should we be trusting a citizen to help us?"

Issac and Dylan both laughed at this question, and Isabelle seemed confused by their laughter. Before they accidentally offended her, I said "You want to understand just how powerful he is? Okay then."

"First off, he can control blood and significantly speed up the healing process for humans, which by itself is amazingly helpful. But along with that, he can take multiple tank shots to the chest and remain unscratched, and he's so strong he has to hold back when punching, or else he'd either destroy the earth or send it flying out of orbit."

"Holy shit," Isabelle responded.

"Though, there are two important weaknesses he has. If he gets hit with enough electricity, he could be killed. Along with that, if water somehow gets mixed with his body, his body will lock up and he'll be stunned for multiple minutes."

"Wait, water? He's weak to water? Seriously," Rose responded.

"Yes, I know. It's a bad weakness to have. But good thing it mostly affects him when he needs to go underwater."

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