Chapter 51: One In The Same

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Present Day

I cradled Rowan's lifeless body in my arms, not wanting to let him go no matter what.

"I'm so sorry. I should've... if I'd stopped them, maybe you would've... maybe you'd still be here. Maybe you'd... maybe you'd still be alive."

I heard clapping through a loudspeaker in the observatory, and then I heard Robert's voice, saying cheerily "Wow! Amazing performance! I would give you a bouquet, but I don't have one on me."

"Why are you so happy?! Your son just died!"


"Come. I want to talk to you, in person," Robert said as a door revealed itself in front of me. I looked down at Rowan, then the door, then back at the Rowan again, before slowly putting down Rowan's body and I slowly got up and walked towards the door, my body barely having the strength to hold me up.

I promise, I won't stop till this bastard's blood is dripping off the blade of my sword, I thought.

I turned the knob to the door, and saw Robert, standing in a featureless grey room. I stood inside the doorway, not moving another inch, before Robert cheered "Hello Steve!"

"Just... get this over with. If you want to tell me or something or fight me... just let me grieve in piece."

"Oh, don't worry. This'll be over really quick. I just wanted to ask you something."

"What is it," I asked emotionless.

"What does it feel like... to have a weapon that makes you so much stronger than you actually are?"



"You heard me."


"I... I don't know."

Robert looked at my barely standing body, and frowned. "Jeezus, you're awfully boring."


"It makes me feel important, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Important. Hmm... I can see that," Robert said as he entered a deep trance of thought.

"Just get to the point."

Robert shook his head disappointingly, walked over to me, and looked into my eyes. His eyes flashed black, and I saw us both transport to the Knightmare realm. I whispered to myself in shock "What?"

After looking around at the sudden change in surroundings, I looked back at Robert, and saw Knightmare instead.

"What is going on?!"

Knightmare laughed, and mocked "You are really stupid, you know that," as black slug-like things came out of his body and slithered around him, and then it hit me.



I unsheathed my swords, a huge flame lit in my eyes as I yelled angrily "You made that parasite, didn't you?!"

"There we go! Y'know, I think you deserve an A-plus for that detective work," Knightmare said sarcastically.

I charged at Knightmare, and he simply waved his hands, causing me to go flying. After I recovered from hitting the realm's floor, I got up, and heard Knightmare say behind me "Didn't it feel good? When you killed him?"

I spun around, swinging my swords in Knightmare's direction, and saw he wasn't behind me anymore.

"How... why would it ever feel good to kill him?! I loved him!"

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