Chapter 17: Secret Reunion

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Seconds after I turned the final page of a very interesting romance book, I heard three quick taps on the door, so I quickly put the book back in the drawer and went to the door.

Before I opened it, I took a slow deep breath and thought about what I'd say.

Once I figured it out, I decided to take a risk and simply I said "Come in."

The door unlocked after I said that.

Wow. That was lucky..., I thought.

The door immediately opened, revealing a brown-haired, red-eyed white woman who was wearing a camouflage and technologically-advanced suit.

"You ready to train," the woman said.

"Yep," I said enthusiastically.

The woman giggled before saying lazily "That's my Luke. Alright, I'll head to the training room now while you get ready. Remember, it's the usual training room, don't forget. See you there!"

She then walked away, exiting the hallway's wooden doors before heading to the right.

I made sure she was gone, then walked away from the quarter's door, still inside the room, and thought to the voices in my head She seems nice.

Yeah... but also a little bit weird, Hope responded as I used my magic to search for Luke's suit.

What do you mean, Fear asked.

Hey Rowan, did Luke's bio say anything about a girlfriend, Hope asked as I found Luke's suit, but I checked his profile to make sure he actually used it.

No... wait, you think she and Luke might be dating.

I then used my magic to figure out how to get the suit from behind the wall, which led to a button on the dresser. I pressed it, causing the wall to flip around.

That, or she has a crush on him. Either way, I think you should be extra careful around her.

The suit immediately fell to the ground, shattering into thousands of nanotechnology pieces before forming around me.

When the suit finished reforming itself, I noticed the suit was quite large. Not that much of a problem for me, but I do prefer speed over protection.

An idea entered my head, and my mind started to panic. Please don't say that if they're dating, they're... that far in a relationship. I'll barely even be able to handle a woman kissing me, let alone... that.

I'm sure it won't come to that. And besides, you're gay, so it won't mean anything.

Yeah, I know that... but can you imagine having sex with somebody who's the same gender as the one you aren't attracted to?


I saw there was nothing else behind the wall for me to put on, so I looked for a button to flip it back around, and saw one in the top left.

I pressed it, watched the dresser come back around, then headed out of Luke's quarters. When the automatic door closed behind me, I activated a tracking spell to find the woman.

Thankfully, all I needed to know for the spell was either her appearance or her real name.

5 minutes later

The trail lead to a room with a sign that said Training Room 3, so I walked inside and saw a simulation room similar to the one at my father's bases.

Inside the white void were 4 other people.

First was a black, green-eyed woman with dark hair, mechanic tools, and a suit similar to the suit I was wearing, but intended for engineering. Second was the woman I met outside Luke's quarters, and the third was a white man with brown hair and a suit similar to mine and the first woman's.

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