Chapter 30: Man V.S. Cyborg

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My helmet went back into my suit as both me and Alexander started walking opposite directions in a circle whilst facing each other. We both waited several minutes for the other to make the first move, but we both knew who was going to make it.

Alexander charged at me, and I stopped moving and held my ground. Alexander leapt up off the ground and attempted a downward strike with one sword, and I deflected it with both of my swords. He spun around and tried to swing his other sword into my side, but I parried it with my left sword and then kicked him away.

After recovering, my opponent transformed his left sword into a plasma cannon and attempted to shoot me, but I leapt over the plasma shot, sheathed my left sword and activated my left shield mid-air, detached the shield, and threw it at Alexander's feet, tripping him.

When I landed, I brought my sword down on Alexander, but he rolled out of the way, quickly stood up as he transformed his plasma cannon back into a hand, and then punched me in the nose while I was recovering from my attack.

Blood flew from my nose after the impact, but I ignored it and attempted to slice my opponent in half. He blocked it with his sword, then punched me in the gut hard enough to make me fly into the door, right next to the hole I had cut. His hand started sparking with blue electricity as he ran towards me, and he tried to punch me in the face again.

I barely dodged it, but before I could recover from the punch his sword transformed back into a hand and he grabbed me by the leg, spun me around, and threw me into the desk in the middle of the observatory, smashing it to pieces. He then leapt up into the air and back down onto me, so I rolled away, got up, and shot an electric dart at his hip, stunning him. I unsheathed my currently sheathed sword, spun around in a circle to gain momentum, and tried to hit Alexander with an upward strike.

Anticipating this, Alexander's hands transformed back into swords as he blocked my attack, locking our swords together and putting us in a standstill. As our swords crossed, he eventually got the upper hand as the four swords slowly approached my face. When it looked like he was about to win, my swords sparked with red electricity, and they sliced easily through Alexander's swords.

Destroy them all. The government, Robert, all of them. With me, you'll be unstoppable, the sword said to me inside my head, disguising itself as my thoughts.

He barely moved his head fast enough to dodge my swords as they came straight towards his head. In response to this attack, he ducked down, grabbed my leg, and pulled it, tripping me. As his hand sparked with blue electricity again and he attempted to strike me, I punched him in the face after sheathing my swords, catching him off guard and stunning him.

Taking this new chance, I attempted to do a sweeping kick to trip his legs, but when my foot struck his, it clanged against the metal and his leg stood strong as I groaned in pain. Taking the new opportunity, Alexander grabbed me by the throat, smashed me into the ground, and then threw me into the glass of the observatory. It didn't break the glass, but it did cause a decently sized crack. Still holding my throat, Alexander said "I honestly expected this to be hard. Guess even 'the unstoppable Steve Berkan' can be killed. And to think my father was scared of you."

As the blood ran down from my head into my suit, I tried to figure out how I'd get out of Alexander's grasp. Eventually, I twisted his arm and kicked him in the gut, then came up to him and started rapidly punching his chest.

Alexander's robotic arm twisted itself back into position, and then punched me in the gut into the glass, grabbed my head, and smashed it into the glass. He smashed my head into the glass constantly, each hit causing more and more cracks in the glass.

When the glass was almost broken, I kicked my opponent's foot, grabbed him, and threw us both into the glass, breaking it and making us both fall out of the observatory. As we both fell to the factory ground, we both tried to get some hits in on each other, and eventually I kicked Alexander hard enough to push the both of us away from each other. We both hit the cold hard floor of the factory, putting my body in a state of intense pain.

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