Chapter 22: The First Assignment

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Three months later

Rose and I were laughing and having just an overall good time drinking together at a table in the government facility's bar. It had the normal wood serving table and other wood tables throughout the room, and neon lights right above the serving table.

"And so I just stood there while they were laughing and making fun of me," I said gleefully as I took a shot of whiskey.

"And then what," Rose asked in a very interested tone.

"Well, I pulled the trigger, and the whole place exploded. But I survived thanks to the careful placement of the explosives I had planted," I said, over-exaggerating the details to make the story more interesting.

"Wow! You did all that while you were thirteen?!" I started leaning back in my chair confidently.

"Yeah... Though, I didn't do it alone."

"Oh? Who helped you?"


"It doesn't matter," I said dismissively, sitting normally in the chair again.


"You wanna know the reason why I invited you here," Rose asked.

"Was it to get to know me more?"

"Well, that," she replied, brushing her hair back as she blushed. "But also because I have news!"

"Bad or good?"

"Good, I think... You know what? How about you guess?"

"Oh, okay. Hmm."

"Are Issac and Dylan adopting another son," I asked.

I knew that wasn't what was happening, because I would've known even before Issac or Dylan decided to adopt another kid.

"No. Take another guess," she said as she swirled her finger around the top of her glass.

"Is it... our first orders?"

"Oh. Y-yeah, it is," she said nervously as she stopped swirling her glass.

"Yes," I cheered, pumping my fist below my chest.


"Any details on what they are yet," I asked inquisitively.

"No, Cooper said he wanted to tell us both."


Fuck, I thought.

"Why does he want to tell me personally?"

Rose shrugged, then turned to the bartender and said "We're ready for our check!"

The bartender started making calculations of all the drinks we bought whilst typing it all on his computer, and then started printing the bill. Once it was done, he grabbed it and walked over to our table; handing the check to Rose.

She looked at the check, and started chuckling nervously. "Oh. Didn't realize how many drinks we bought... holy shit that's a lot of money. Can you cover me Steve?"

"Sure!," I said as I grabbed my wallet out of my pocket, took the required money for the bill, including tax and a tip, and then handed the bartender the money.

Once the bartender walked away from the table, we got up, and Rose stumbling slightly.

"D-do we need to go see him now," I asked, my brain barely able to keep from collapsing due to the alcohol.

"No, he knows we went out to get drinks. He said he can wait till tomorrow."

"G-good. Because I'm gonna need a looooong sleep after this."

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