Chapter 11: A Magical Discovery

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"What was that," Steve whispered as we ducked down behind the desk.

"I t-think s-somebody's w-with u-us," I responded.



I started doing the breathing exercise again as Steve stared at the ground, deep in thought.

I waited a few seconds, then peeked over the desk to see a large man, possibly over 6 feet tall, with large muscles that could squash the both of us like overripe bananas.

"Holy crap, t-that guy's huge," I whispered.

Steve pulled me down from the desk, and I started fake panicking. "Crap. Crap. Crap. T-they've come back for m-me."

"How thick do you think that glass is," Steve asked as he pointed to the one-way windows.

"H-how is that important right- Ohhh, I see."

"The moment they enter the room, tell me."


Question, I said to Hope. Why is Steve so worried about hiding behind the desk if the glass is one-way?

You ducked behind the desk too, Hope responded.

Yeah, I know, but only because he did it first.

He's just being safe.


I saw Steve throw a small device against the left window, and it started transforming. Seeing the device, I asked Steve "W-wait, how will they not see the d-device?" I already knew the answer, but I wanted to make sure we both knew the glass was one-way.

"The glass is one-way, so we can see outside but they can't see inside," Steve responded as he pulled out a trigger from his belt.

"W-why would someone build t-that, let a-alone have access to t-that kind of glass?"

"My guess, Robert is part of the family that found the swords of creation, and just like Robert, his ancestors were hiding from the world, planning on taking it over. They didn't want anybody seeing the swords except for a select few, for fear of their most powerful weapons being stolen."

"Y-you picked all that up f-from 'the glass is one-way'?"

"The whole thanksgiving thing also helped with it."

I peeked over the desk again, and saw the man was about to open the door, so I told Steve "He's c-coming in."

"Alright, Rowan, as soon as he starts walking around the desk, we'll go the opposite direction until we're on the right side of the desk. Then, I'll activate the device, causing the glass to shatter, which will distract him."

"W-what then?"

"I... we'll have to kill him. I'm sorry, but it's the only way," Steve said, his voice breaking slightly.

"H-how do we know that m-man is even evil?"

"Do you really wanna take that risk?"

My heart ached after Steve said that, but I tried to ignore it. Thankfully, after a couple seconds, Steve said "Alright, time to move," giving me something to distract from the pain.

We crouched down and silently walked to the left side of the desk, watching the man go to the right side of the desk, and then when we were in front of the desk and he was behind it, he looked at the glass case containing the swords, saying "Ah, the swords of creation. I'll come back for you two later."

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