Chapter 35: Seeking Advice

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The helicopter landed down on the helipad, so we all jumped off the copter, then I watched as the copter flew away, before turning around to see that only Rose and Isabelle remained on the helipad, and they were hugging each other.

Wow, that was quick, I thought.

I walked up to them, and at the same time I was thinking about my earlier conversation with Issac.

Promise me, that you'll tell Steve the truth. He needs to know... you need him to know, I thought, replaying the conversation over and over again.

Alright, I'll tell him. But first, Rose needs to know. I'll need her help if things go wrong.

Rose told something to Isabelle that I couldn't hear, then they released their hug. Rose saw me out of the corner of her eye, so she turned to me.

"Hey, Luke, you need something?"

"Yeah, I just... need to talk to you. Privately."

Isabelle nodded towards me, then headed inside the government crew building disguised as a police department. Rose motioned me to follow her, so I followed her to her quarters.

10 minutes later

We entered her room, and immediately Rose sat down on her bed and pat next to her, telling me to sit down next to her.

Once I did so, she said "So, what was it you wanted to tell me?"


"Before I tell you, I just wanted to say, this is gonna be a shock. You'll need to prepare."

Rose took a deep breath, then said "Okay."

I took a deep breath, ok that was deeper and longer than Rose's, than I said "For... a few months... you see... I haven't been... who you think."

"Secretly, I've been... Rowan, Robert's son, this posing as Luke, because I was assigned to spy on Steve."

Rose's eyes widened in shock, but she didn't show any anger, hate, anything like that. So, I continued, explaining that "But... I've been... hesitant, nervous. I mean, part of me wants to make my father proud, but on the other hand... I feel guilty."

"You see... long ago, when I was a child... me and Steve... we were best friends. We had known each other for a while, but... my father was constantly manipulating us, and our relationship."

"And he still does... but now... I've had enough. I want to try and push back against my father, and tell Steve the truth. But... I can't. Not alone anyways... but... eventually, I realized the one person who can help me."


"It's you," I finished.

"I... how long? How long have you... been Luke," Rose asked.

"Ever since Steve joined your unit."

Rose stared at the ceiling, deep in thought, but eventually she said "Well, I understand what you mean. Your father is oppressing you, trying to keep you and Steve from becoming friends again."

"Please don't hate me."

"Hate you?... Sure, I'm shocked, and rightfully so. Luke was my friend... but I can tell you have good intentions."

"H-how you do know I'm not l-lying," I asked.

"I'm a psychologist. I know how people work and think."


"But, what exactly do you need my help for?"

"Not to be rude... but if you're a psychologist, wouldn't you have figured it out yourself?"

"Yeah, I have. But in this case... you need to say it. It'll help you fully commit."

"I... I need your advice for... confidence. On how to... tell Steve the truth."

"Alright, good. So... do you want advice now, or..."

"As soon as possible, please."

Rose turned her body to face mine, and said "Alright, first thing... if you're starting to chicken out before telling him... you should do what's called breathing exercises."

"I already know that."

"You do?"

"Yeah. Steve taught me."

"Alright," Rose said as she thought.

"Then... make sure, before you tell him, to plan what you're gonna say. Make a script in your head, and say it to yourself, multiple times, before telling him."

"Alright...," I said.

"It'll also help to do that while looking in a mirror. It helps you feel like you're actually saying it to somebody."


"And finally, make sure you do it at the right time. You need to make sure that when you tell him, he's not in a bad mood. These kind of things can be shocking to hear."



"No, thank you. You may not know, but... in a way, you're helping me, sort of."

I thought for a moment, then said "I think I know what you're talking about."

Rose's cheeks turned bright red(fitting) before she nervously said "Y-you d-do?"

"Yeah. Isabelle told me."

"O-oh... well, guess I've got to have a 'discussion' with her."

I giggled, then joked "Don't hurt her too much."


"By the way... Rowan... we're... having a celebration, in the bar, for our first completed mission, later today. You should come. It could be a good chance to tell Steve."

"I don't drink."

"You don't have to drink to go to a party, silly," Rose said, lightly punching my shoulder.

"Okay... and again, thanks," I said as I got up from the bed.

"Hey, don't mention it," Rose responded, before I walked out of her room.

Once her door automatically closed behind me, I leaned my back against the wall, and sighed.

"I'm so close," I told myself.

"I can't stop now, I have to do this... He needs to know."

Then, we both headed to the bar, my mind making a script of what I'd say to Steve.

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