Chapter 13: A New Start

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17 years before The Split

"Unit 3? Really? You do realize they're our worst team right now," the first team organizer said with a hint of annoyance.

In response, the other team organizer said "Exactly. Steve could be what pushes their team's potential to the maximum."

"We haven't even seen him in action before! Look, Cooper, I trust you, but we can't just send them into combat with a new recruit without them even knowing the recruit at all," the first team organizer reasoned.

"Then we have them do a training exercise with each other first. And besides, what about those two?" Cooper said as he pointed to two men's bios on the tablet. "We know they have experience with Steve." 

"Fine. But if they fail, this is because of you," the other team organizer warned.


I lay on a plain white bed, inside my room which had gray walls, a dresser, and other bare essentials for living like a bathroom and closet. Everything in the room was pale and boring, but that's how I liked it. No bright colors to distract me from my work.

The only thing to distract me was the sometimes annoying voice inside my head.

Look, Steve, you need to talk about it. It's been 7 years, you can't just repress it. It's unhealthy, Hope said desperately.

Don't talk to me about unhealthy. I've done fine so far, I'll continue to do fine.


What would your parents think if they saw you like this? Some part of you knows you're disappointing the-

You have five seconds to shut up, before I personally remove you from my head.


Fine. But only because you need me. Besides, I doubt you'd be able to remove me.

I heard a faint knock on the door, so I said "Come in."

After a moment, the door eventually slid open, revealing Dylan Davis, now in his 40s. He handled old age quite well... but then again that could be contributed to the fact that we live in a U.S. government facility, where dying of old age is practically impossible.

"Cooper wants to see you," Dylan said.

I stood up from the bed and walked to the entrance of the room, where Dylan still stood. Before allowing me to exit my room, he asked "How you holding up?"

"Good," I responded, not paying much attention to him.


"Can I go," I asked passive-aggressively.

"Yes, of course," Dylan answered awkwardly before he turned around and walked away from the door. I then proceeded to walk to Cooper's office, where I assumed he was waiting for me.

5 minutes later

I stepped in front of the grey metal sliding door to Cooper's office, and knocked on the door. In response, I heard from inside the room "Is it Steve?"

"Yes," I responded, which resulted in the door automatically opening.

I walked inside and saw Cooper Green, who had long black hair and brown, empathetic eyes. Though I didn't let those eyes fool me. I knew what he was really like; a greedy psychopath who only rose as high as he did in the government's ranks because he was an incredible asset for their army.

"Hey, Steve," Cooper greeted with a kind voice.

"What do you want?"

Getting straight to the point, Cooper coughed, saying "Good news! We found a unit for you to join."

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