Chapter 52: Being The Side Character In Your Own Story

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I used the sword in my hand to teleport in front of Knightmare, roundhouse kicked him in the face, then I rapidly punched him in the chest. He chuckled, and backhanded me a few dozen feet away.

"The adults are talking," Knightmare quipped. Rob then attempted to punch Knightmare, so he dodged to the left, grabbed Rob by the throat, and slammed him into the ground. Before Rob reached the ground, however, black spikes emerged from the ground, impaling Rob mid-air.

After he did this, I ran up to Knightmare, spun clockwise, then attempted to slice Knightmare in half. Somehow, halfway through the swing, the sword transformed into it's staff form, and the staff hit Knightmare in the side, causing an energy explosion that caused Knightmare to stumble.

Huh, that's odd that it transformed into a staff, but at least now I know the staff can fight Knightmare, I thought.

I smirked, rolled under some incoming javelins Knightmare materialized, then started hitting him with the staff again. After a few hits, Knightmare transformed his left hand into a buzz saw and tried to slice me in half, so I bent my back backwards, barely dodging it, and then I hit him in the chest, his left knee, and then I swung the staff into his head, knocking him away.

Huh, that's strange. By now I'd expect the staff to start talking to me, or at the very least start draining my energy. But it's not, I pondered.

I ran up to Knightmare, and swung the staff into the ground, causing an energy explosion that surely would hurt Knightmare...

But this time he wasn't affected.

Laughing, Knightmare split into two, creating a copy of himself that lunged after Rob, who had escaped the spikes that had previously impaled him. I swung the staff at Knightmare again, and he ducked below my attack, kicked me in the knee, then elbow-ed me in the chest, sending me flying.

Once I recovered by dragging the staff on the ground to slow me down, I started preparing an electric dart. When I finished preparing it and looked up to aim at my target, Knightmare wasn't there.

"Behind you," Knightmare whispered.

I quickly turned around, attempting to aim the dart, but before I could shoot it Knightmare simply tapped my suit and my suit lost it's power, causing the nanotechnology to fall the ground and leaving me only my gauntlets, scabbards, belt, and the clothes I wore below the suit.

"What the hell," was all I could say before Knightmare punched into the ground. In response, hundreds of skeletons started rising from the ground, and as the skeletons rose from the ground, their organs, muscles, and skin started materializing around them.

When they finished rising from the ground, I saw their skin was half-rotted, like zombies. Then, they all started rushing towards me, some of them groaning like when I get out of the bed in the morning. Occasionally, I heard some of them shout "More! I need more of them! I need more of me!"

I slammed the staff into the ground to create an energy shield around me, then sat against the edge of the shield and tried to think on what to do. Eventually, an idea hit me, right before Rob was slammed into the side of the shields opposite of the zombies, and he was trying to push back Knightmare as he asked "How did Robert get so... strong?"

"Turns out, Knightmare has been Robert the entire time," I answered.

"What," Rob said, shocked, before Knightmare gained the upper hand, slammed Rob's head into the energy shield, then grabbed him by the leg, spun him around, and then threw him away before lunging at him again.

I opened my computer on my right gauntlet, and started dialing Dylan's phone number. Seeing this, Hope asked What are you thinking, to which I responded I think I can get Matthew and Elijah to control the zombies, assuming they are being controlled like normal zombies.

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