Chapter 36: Abusive Recollections

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After exiting Cooper's office, looking down at the floor, in the hallway that was just hidden out of view from his receptionist, I punched a nearby wall as hard as I possibly could, forming a large crack. I looked up again, and saw Isabelle leaning against the corner of the hallway, barely looking in my direction.

After noticing her, I said quietly while looking down again "Please, don't tell Rose."

"Don't worry, I won't. But only because you need to tell her yourself."

"I can't even accept it's true."

"Then convince yourself of it. I'm not seeing her heart get broken again."

"Heartbreak is inevitable," I responded.

"Then you should pick the option with the least heartbreak."

We stood there in silence for a few seconds before Isabelle told me "We're having a celebration in the bar. C'mon."

We started walking together out of the hallway and out of the receptionists's office, into an elevator that took us down to the bar.

"Why are we having a celebration, exactly," I asked as Isabelle started the elevator.

"Rose and Luke think that any successful mission deserves a celebration.'"

"I'd hardly call it a 'successful' mission," I responded.

Isabelle sighed, and then said "I agree, but they still think it deserves a celebration."


"For what it's worth, I'm sorry I disobeyed orders. I had to destroy the factory," I apologized.


"Thank you. Really. Just... next time, please inform us next time before you start 'improvising'. I don't want to die because somebody made the same mistake I did."

The elevator stopped moving, a beep was heard from it, and a monotone AI voice said "Bar Floor," before the elevator's doors opened, revealing 6 pairs of bar doors, three pairs on both sides, in a long hallway that stretched for the whole floor. Isabelle walked out of the elevator towards the bar with a big 3 above it, and I followed her.

As we got to the doors to the third bar, I heard Rose and Issac singing Galway Girl, by Ed Sheeran. Isabelle opened the doors, revealing a crowd of drunk listeners of Rose and Issac's karaoke, the majority of them sitting at a round wooden table, or standing right below the stage where Issac and Rose were singing.

Isabelle started walking over to a bar table in the corner of the room, which had only Luke and Dylan sitting there, and Dylan seemed to be arguing with Luke about something.

"But I want to get so drunk I pass out nowwww," Luke complained in a childlike manner.

"Not until we get the group photo. It'll be harder to take if one of us is already passed out," Dylan said as he saw me and Isabelle out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey guys," Luke yelled out immediately after noticing us.

Isabelle jokingly covered the left side of her face with her hand, which earned a slight chuckle from me. We both sat down at the table, me sitting down next to Luke, and Isabelle on the right side of the table.

We sat in silence for a couple moments, none of us thinking of a good conversation starter, but I saw Dylan trying hard not to listen to Issac's singing.

Noticing this, I said to him "You shouldn't be so worried about losing yourself right now. This is a party."

"I know that, it's just... I need to make sure nobody goes overboard with drinking, or anything like that."

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