Chapter 14: Storming The Bunkers

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Once the simulation was done forming, my unit and me were now standing in one of many long grey transport boats slowly moving across the water to a shoreline with dark-green hills spreading across the land.

In front of the hills were multiple grey bunkers that held dozens of Germans waiting for the U.S. soldiers to storm the beach. The sky was fairly foggy, with the rain and motors drowning out most sounds.

So, other than who's storming which bunker, what's the plan, Hope asked.

We get to the barbed wire, blow a hole in it, and then get to the trenches. And before that, when everybody else is running for cover, I'll give the gunners a little... surprise, I said as I tapped the sniper rifle on the left side of my backpack.



"500 yards," I heard a soldier yell.

Rose seems cute, I thought.

Stop it. We both know you're gay.

Why can't I be bi?

I've been with you since you were a baby. I could and can still tell you don't have a single straight hormone in you.

You're wrong. It was just a phase. I'm straight, and that's all I'll ever be.

By Modsil, for the smartest man in the world, you really are an idiot.

"100 yards!"

Well, this 'stubborn idiot' managed to destroy an entire base at the age of 14.

Which you wouldn't have done without Rowan.

Turret fire started hitting the boat, and in response everybody in the boat crouched down.

Let's... not talk about that day, okay, I requested.

You brought it up!


You know what? I'll drop it. I'll come back when I've figured out another lead on where Robert's hiding.

The boat hit the shore, and turret fire continuously sprayed the boat, killing multiple U.S. soldiers. Thankfully, everybody in my unit vaulted over the boat.

After doing the same, I raised my arms in the air in a defensive position, and in response, two blue energy shields formed on the front of my gantlets. I then proceeded to run to the nearest cover.

Once I got to cover, I deactivated the shields, grabbed my sniper rifle, and got into a good sniping position. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Isabelle doing the same nearby.

I aimed my rifle to the left bunker, right at the small area that allowed for the gunners to shoot through. Once I was ready, I took my shot, and I saw the bullet pass right above the machine gun, hitting a German's head.

I saw the bullet then ricochet against the wall behind the now unmanned machine gun to another wall, and then straight through the second gunner's hips.

Ah, that never gets old, I thought before putting my rifle back on my backpack and then rushing to the barbed wall.

I started to unhook a custom-made grenade from my belt, but Rose stopped me, and showed c4 explosive in her hands. I nodded, put the grenade back, and then headed to the nearest cover that was out of the blast range.

After about a dozen seconds, I heard the c4 explode, so I turned around to see the barbed wall was now destroyed.

Rose was smiling towards me, so I quipped "Thanks for that. Almost wasted a grenade." I then ran to the trenches placed below the bunker, where there were Germans waiting to surprise us.

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