Chapter 18: Hiding In Between The Lines

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Once the simulation finished loading, we were placed into several boats that were slowly approaching a beach with multiple grey bunkers scattered around.

Seeing the other soldiers in the boats were crouching down to avoid gunfire, I did the same.

I looked around to see which person in Steve's unit was in which boat, and saw that, out of those few, Isabelle was the only one in the same boat as me.

I looked around some more and saw Issac and Dylan in another boat, before seeing Steve and Rose in a third boat.

"500 yards," I heard a U.S. soldier yell from our boat.

After a moment, I turned to Isabelle and asked "What was that about, earlier? With the new guy?"

"Oh, you know me. It's kind of hard to trust people with... well, you know," Isabelle responded.

"By the way, you haven't told Isaac or Dylan about that yet, right," she continued.

I looked in Steve's direction for a second before replying "Don't worry, my lips are still sealed."


"Though, I'm pretty sure the new recruit's gonna find out soon enough from Rose," Isabelle added.

"What do you mean?"

"You know how Rose is with her crushes. Tells them everything about her or her friends when she's trying to work up the courage to ask them out."


"100 yards," the soldier yelled again.

"She has a crush on the new guy," I asked, trying to keep my jealousy down.

"C'mon. It's pretty obvious, and I'm not just saying that because she's my best friend."

The boats reached the beach and dropped their front doors, so Isabelle vaulted over the sides of the boat into the water, before quickly running to cover.

I did the same soon after. I did almost get hit by a stray bullet, but the only concern that could've caused is that it would've blown my cover. (But, at the same time, I forgot that Luke's suit was designed to take and resist serious amounts of damage).

"Yeah, to be honest, I figured it out pretty quickly as well," I yelled just loud enough so Isabelle could hear me over the gunfire.

As she got into a sniping position and aimed at one of the bunkers, she yelled back "Told you it was obvious!"

I looked across the beach and saw Steve was also preparing to fire on the bunkers.

When they both started firing, I noticed a difference between Steve and Isabelle's sniping. While Steve was careful, calm, and precise, Isabelle was aggressive, but not in a way that hindered her aim.

After a couple minutes of the two targeting the bunkers, Steve went with Rose to the left barbed wire wall, so the rest of us went to the right.

When Isabelle, Issac, Dylan and I got to the other barbed wall, we went behind it, using it for cover while Dylan and Issac started preparing something.

I saw a metal arm extend out of Isaac's body before going to Dylan, who pressed a button on the arm near where it connected to Issac's body, which detached the arm.

He then stuck the palm of the arm to the ground right next to the wall.

Dylan then checked his belt for something, before yelling "Shit! I forgot to refill my electricity bombs!"

Everybody looked at me after he said this, so I realized my suit had an alternate solution. Seeing this, I subtly activated a time freezing spell, then searched my suit's computer for any methods of using blue electricity.

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