Chapter 27: A Father's Wish

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"Quickly, quickly! Before the patrol returns," Dylan whispered to me and Issac as we both climbed into the back of the truck and closed the door.

I heard footsteps, possibly of over ten people. After a moment, they stopped, and a voice that sounded like one of my father's generals saying "I take it you're about to depart?"

"Yes, sir," Rose replied, her voice being replaced by a male voice.

"Alright, just answer some questions, and then we'll get out of your hair."

We waited several minutes before eventually the general said "Alright, everything's clear! Y'all are free to go!"

As Rose, Isabelle, and Dylan hopped into the front of the truck, I looked over at Issac, and he seemed to be pondering something.

Deciding to leave him be, I looked to the other side of the truck, and sighed silently.

Eventually, though, Issac decided to include me in his thoughts, by saying "So, after being away from him for so long, what do you think of Steve, Rowan?"

I looked at Issac with shock, and after a couple moments, I said "H-how did you k-know."

"I'm a father," Issac said as he leaned back against the truck wall. "I have to know this stuff."


"Sorry if I'm seeming off. I'm not the best at the conversation."

"H-Heh. You and me both."

"Yeah, I'm more of a 'ideas first, details later' kind of guy. You understand, right?"



"So, about my question."

"O-oh. Well... sure, he's changed a bit, b-but I still like him."

"You mean you liiiiike him," Issac asked suggestively as he slowly leaned towards me.

"Yes, I do. I like your son."

"Adopted son. I'd never be able to call him my real son."

"What do you mean?"

Issac sighed, then hesitantly said "Can you imagine, losing both of your parents, going on the run with your secret crush for several years, get that crush torn from your arms, then instantly get adopted by two gay men that he saw only as uncles at the most?"

"O-oh... you feel nervous that he would think you're trying to replace him."

"Yeah, that's the short of it," Issac replied as he pulled out a cigarette, lit it with a robotic arm that came out of his chest, than started smoking.

"But of course, Dylan kept trying to tell me that 'He won't be like that. He'll accept you' and shit like that. Y'know, I love him, both of them... but they can both be quite stubborn when they think they're right," Issac continued as he swirled the cigarette in a small circle.


"H-huh. That's... huh. This may sound odd, but I think I may know just how you feel."

"Come again?"

"I'm afraid that, if I told Steve who I really was, he'd push me away."

"Hey," Issac said as he crushed the cigarette with his hand, let the ash drop to the ground, and then leaned over to put his arm on my shoulder.

"No matter how much somebody may be hurt, they always deserve the truth. Always."

"Y-yeah, but I'd never be able to tell him. I'm a coward."

As Issac leaned back against the wall, he said "Everybody's a coward. It's only those who use excuses to hide their cowardice that are seen as brave."

"Wow. You're surprisingly wise."

"I'm smart, not wise. Wise is someone who has both control of their emotions and their brain, while someone who's smart only has control over their brain."


"Hey, can you promise me something, Rowan?"

"D-depends on what it is."

"Good enough."

Issac looked down, thinking exactly what he'd say, before saying "Promise me, that you'll tell Steve the truth. He needs to know... you need him to know."

"I... can't. There's just so much telling me I shouldn't. Even if Steve doesn't push me away for telling him... what about my father?"

"I understand," Issac sad as I stared down at the floor. "You're scared, I get it. But sometimes, you have to ignore your fears. Sometimes, you just need to take a leap of faith."

"We're only a couple miles from the power plant now! Get ready," Dylan yelled from the driver seat.

"Just... think about it, okay?"



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