Hello Half Sister

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The two supposed family members ate, not looking at each other, the room filled with complete silence. Toshiro's plate emptied rather quickly, and then he paused. Finally, he glanced up, not wanting to ask the particular question, but deciding it had to be asked. "Is there... anymore to eat?"

Two brown eyes suddenly looked at the boy, then picked up Toshiro's place and took it into the kitchen, returning with another serving of food. "I find it rather interesting that your appetite has returned to normal. You've been avoiding eating things, unless it was to sneak a midnight snack. Of course, you weren't exactly speaking to me either, so I guess there had been some improvement."

"I want to go back into my little world please." Toshiro stated.

"Young master, you know that if he is trying to pull an illusion over your eyes, he isn't simply going to agree to send you back. And if this isn't an illusion, well... what you just said was down right disturbing." The dragon suddenly piped up, much to the irritation of the small boy.

"Imagine me saying something like this to any of the people I really know? I mean, the only person I could pull this kind of prank on would have been Ichimaru. Sometimes, I could say really weird things, and seriously mean it, and he would just look at me, and then play along." The boy suddenly paused, a frown spreading on his face.

"I don't understand why he had to go and betray us like that. I know that I suspected him right away, but it felt like he meant for me to suspect him. He's always been weird, but not the kind of weird that I couldn't trust. That was Aizen... I never felt like I could trust him. What the hell am I saying, I'm confusing myself."

"Toshiro?" The brown haired man raised an eyebrow as he watched the child. "Why did you have to say that you wanted to go back into your little world and then go?"

"I need to play along." Toshiro blinked a couple of times."This is just like the games Gin and I used to play that would drive Rangiku nuts." There was another pause as the boy blinked a couple of times. "There is no way that what we did is a game." At that, the boy pushed his food away. "I don't feel good."

Aizen frowned suddenly. "Why did you ask for seconds? Are you not hungry?"

"I'm hungry." The boy glanced at the table. "My mind is going very fast and I can't keep up. I can't figure things out."

"You mean about whether or not this is the real world, or that world is?" The man let out a deep sigh and picked up Toshiro's plate. "I'll put the left overs in the fridge for you."

"More along the lines I remember everything from that world, and not one piece of shit from that world." Toshiro muttered folding his arms in frustration.

"Watch your tongue." The man grumbled. "Before you head to your room for the night, be sure to say hello to your grandmother. Wonders that you didn't start thinking this strange storyline of sorts once she passed away." The man then walked over and set Toshiro's phone down. It didn't look though, like the standard issue that the people in soul society got. "The teacher was nice enough to return this."

The man then disappeared back into his room, while Toshiro picked up his phone. "He even has grandmother planned out? I don't understand. Why would he go through this much trouble?"

"He is hoping to make you believe that this world is real. He is trying to break you down piece by piece." Hyorinmaru spoke up.

The white haired boy though got up, and then walked over to a wooden chest, opening up the doors. There was a picture of his grandmother, just sitting there. He reached for a metal stick and clinked it against the bowl. "Where ever you are, I miss you."

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