Beat Down

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Aizen had a special area prepared for the small taicho that would serve as a makeshift home area to help the illusion feel more accurate. There were particulars that he had taken the time to put into place so that if Toshiro were to touch anything he would think that an object was in fact there. The home area was in fact the place he took the most time preparing.

When he drug the boy to the room he simply had to glance down to see the glazed over look in the boy's eyes. It was rather apparent that the illusion was having some sort of effect on the small taicho but Aizen wasn't sure if the effect he wanted was actually occurring. He watched as the boy glanced around the room. He finally dropped his bag onto the bench that served as the couch.

In amusement Aizen reached a hand up to his mouth and let out a deep cough. "You know very well that isn't where your bag goes."

The man watched as the white haired child turned towards him and glowered. He then picked up the bag which was a simple item and carried it over to the door and dropped it down. "Is this where it is supposed to go when I'm not studying? Because I honestly can't remember."

"It goes by your desk in your room." Aizen snapped the words out. He had always had a major dislike for this child genius. Shiba Kaien had never picked up on things and Ichimaru Gin was easy to manipulate into doing what he wanted. Hitsugaya Toshiro though easily picked up on things and it would take a major effort to get the boy to do what he wanted.

Despite this the man found it rather amusing that the boy's effort to find out where his room was supposed to be. The doors opened and closed and the look of frustration made the efforts for the long term goal to be someone worth the tedious process he was going to have to go through. Finally though the boy came to his room.

The man noted the fact Toshiro had to straighten up his desk in an obsessive compulsive manner. The man had figured the boy had the type of personality to strew his work all over the place but perhaps this wasn't so. He also took note that the boy picked up a rectangular object that was meant to represent a photograph only to become distant.

Aizen found the need to call the boy and he began making the food. Prisoners and those holding them captive had to eat anyways. When the boy came out he still glared at the man. "Why is it that you and I have different last names? Weren't you married to my mother, or was she your play thing just like Momo was?"

"I heard what he said earlier. He is trying to probe my illusion for holes but it isn't going to work." The man deftly came up with an explanation as he continued with the food. He watched as Toshiro peered over the back of the couch and tried to amount an argument with him. Time came to turn the tables. "Did you get that from Momo-chan herself, or did you get it from that mother of hers?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Toshiro's face twisted up and inwardly Aizen choose to enjoyhimself.

"There is no way he'll know what I am planning for him." Aizen smirked thinking about he scenario he would cause later on. He just had to find the right Arrancar to help in his little escapade. However, he had the idea that they would jump on the idea of mentally torturing one of the shinigami. He then began to spin his tale as he watched the boy continue to steam at him.

The man voiced it was time for dinner and found the boy responding curtly. "I'm not hungry."

"He can be down right stubborn at times. Sometimes too much for his own good," Aizen thought to himself. "Of course... there is the fact it has come in handy in the past. He doesn't realize how much of a child he is and how easy he is to manipulate into a direction I want"

Toshiro then brought up the fact that he had been hit twice. Despite the fact Aizen had found himself enjoying this he knew a response was in order. "I don't normally hit you like this. Normally, I just ground you and it is fine. But lately you've been acting strange."

Inwardly Aizen smirked as the boy went into a rant about whether one world was imaginary or not and how the illusion that was being put up could be true because he didn't remember anything. Toshiro used his hands in addition to his words to illustrate his point much like one Matsumoto Rangiku did. The boy seemed to mimic the behaviors of the adults around him without even realizing it.

Despite the fact this was an illusion the boy worked away at his plate of food. For a few minutes he stares at his empty plate before looking up at Aizen. "Is there... anymore to eat?"

The man watched the boy carefully wondering how to handle the situation at hand. The response was filled with a major innocent naivety. A person didn't go asking ones capture for more food. The two bright teal eyes showed a hint of confusion as to what to do for the situation. Finally, Aizen decided to comply by giving the child some more food and giving him another made up story.

Everything was going to the man's plan rather easily. However, there was something that he hadn't expected the boy to say. "I want to go back into my little world please."

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