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The tension between the shinigami that were heading back to Soul Society causes a heavy silence to hang over the group. Rangiku's hands were bound by the reiatsu restricting cuffs and she couldn't do anything about her current predicament. Her mind was filled with a great deal of bitterness about the situation.

"I don't understand why they can't spare myself from whatever plans they have. That child has been in my care since before he entered the academy. I know full well that taicho would understand Yamamoto's choice. I don't see him wanting to be someplace all alone with no one to look out for him. He is deep down still a child."

"Doesn't this make you wish he had never become a captain?" Her zampaktuo purred a depressing tune. "I wouldn't say that your small taicho is alone though. He has Gin to look out for him."

"Gin? You must be kidding me. Gin tried to kill taicho not to long ago. What little bit of hope I had that he had some humanity in him I've completely lost. I can't trust him and I expect him to do something to taicho simply out of spite."

"You make it sound like Gin is jealous of your small taicho." The cat found some bit of mirth to this statement.

"I don't see why he wouldn't be. It is a very logical conclusion to come to." Rangiku let out a deep sigh. They came to the entrance into Soul Society and stepped through to a great deal of light. The woman blinked a couple of times as a few members of her division approached her rather quickly. Their faces fell in confusion. The busty female thought then to herself, "I did what Hinamori did in a way."

Byakuya though simply led Rangiku back to her division towards her quarters. When she stepped into the room she watched as a few shinigami were placed outside of her room as guards. She knelt down on the reed mats. Her zampaktuo spoke up in her mind about the matter. "It goes without saying your actions have made it so you can't go and rescue your small taicho."

The woman raised up her restraints in response. "I'm all sweaty. With these on I can't take a shower."

"Don't change the subject simply because you don't want to talk about the facts. Plus... I should know better then anyone that your act of vanity is just that... an act." The zampaktuo let out a deep sigh.

Rangiku chose to ignore the voice coming from her inner world and sat their patiently waiting for more news about what was going to happen to her. She heard some complaints coming from outside of her quarters and she recognized the voices as members of the tenth division. Their voices were raised against the guards.

A female voice came and spoke above them. "The Arrancar aren't the kind of hollow lower seated officers can handle so there is no way you would be allowed to go to Hueco Mundo. As for your fukutaicho she has been placed under house arrest for disobeying orders and it is quite understandable that she won't be allowed to go."

The noise outside quieted down. The door then slid open and the lieutenant of the eight division slipped in and sat down in front of Matsumoto Rangiku. She released the bonds around the woman's wrists. "You know full well that you can't get into Hueco Mundo without opening a gate. If you step outside of your quarters the captains will know and stop you."

"He's my taicho Nanao." The busty female let out a deep sigh as she rubbed her wrists.

The woman pushed up her glasses. "You and I know he is more then just your taicho. We're talking as friends here."

Rangiku wrapped her arms around her large chest. "Since you've always known I think of taicho as my son I really don't have to go into detail with you."

"You do understand that none of the taicho like the idea of leaving Captain Hitsugaya there. This isn't something we can just go storming in. The results could in fact be bad." Nanao watched the woman's reaction.

The busty woman snapped out her next words. "Nothing changes the fact that they aren't planning something and they aren't going to plan anything."

"I'll go." The eight division fukutaicho pushed up her eye glasses.

Rangiku's pale blue eyes snapped up to look at her best friend. "What do you mean you'll go? I don't think your word will sway any of the captains toward our side."

"When I said I'll go I said I'll be going to Hueco Mundo to rescue Hitsugaya Taicho."

The tenth division taicho suddenly shook her head. "Nanao... I know you are doing this for me, but... do you really want to risk throwing everything away."

"It is true one of the reasons I am doing this is for you. I'm also doing it for my taicho and Ukitake Taicho who are in a position where they are needed for the upcoming battle. They would have headed out already if it weren't for this problem. I'm also doing this for myself. I've already been informed I am not part of the plans for the upcoming battle and despite the fact Hitsugaya Taicho was part of the plan I am still not part of the plans."

"Still..." Rangiku glanced at the ground.

"While it is true you've watched Hitsugaya Taicho since before he has entered the academy you haven't been the only one who has watched him grow up. You know as well as I that close relationships aren't easy to make within the Gotei Thirteen. I've already spoken to my taicho and he is going to pretend that he didn't know anything about what I was planing."

"I guess his laziness comes in handy every once in awhile. " The busty female glanced at the ground. "I should have been the one going."

"You would have been the one going if you hadn't been so stubborn about the issue." The other shinigami pushed up her glasses. "Don't worry. I don't plan on dying and I promise to bring him back. Just promise me you'll take the chance to cry and let your feelings out about this one rather then turning to drink. You'll be needed mentally sound in the upcoming battle and if your taicho were to come back and find you injured because you got drunk on this I would take the blame on myself."

"You can trust me." Rangiku gave the woman a rather pleased smile.

"I can't trust my taicho and neither should you. I am hoping that he doesn't drink himself silly before this is all over. There is no telling what he will do while I'm gone." Nanao's words caused some small amount of amusement in the other fukutaicho's heart.

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