Mental Anguish

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Toshiro found himself released from the hospital soon after his conversation with Aizen. He found himself stuck with his limo driver watching him when Aizen wasn't around. The man never said a word to him and he felt majorly alone. It didn't help that no matter what he did he couldn't communicate with his zampaktuo anymore.

He tried occupying his time until he went back to school. The problem came from the fact that no matter what book he picked up he couldn't get into reading said book. This was even true with the ones he considered his favorites. "Some father Aizen is. If this is how a father is supposed to be then I never want to have kids because I don't want them to go through this."

His teal eyes looked up at the ceiling dully as his arms were spread out to the side. His wrists ached from the cuts he had applied to them. "How can I have cut myself if this is just imaginary? If Hyorinmaru was still around I could get an answer from him. Truth of the matter is, I am tired fighting this reality. It is mentally draining."

A knock came on his bedroom door and he sat up as the door opened and the person watching him glanced in. The boy simply stood up and walked out of the room knowing that this was an indication at this point in time that Aizen had come home as the man stood there rather then simply walking in for a few seconds to make sure the boy wasn't trying to kill himself again.

He moved to sit down at the kitchen table while he watched the man leave and Aizen begin to work in the kitchen. The man had replaced the set of knives that Toshiro had used upon himself. A chopping sound could be heard and Aizen said nothing to him. The white haired child leaned forward and rested his head upon his arms.

A sizzling sound could be heard as the food was placed into the pan and the silence continued. "You haven't spoken to me very much."

"If you are worried about me being angry with you, I'm not angry. I'm just very disappointed. I am very lucky that this didn't get leaked to the media." The man continued to cook the food as the boy watched.

"That wouldn't happen to be because your afraid of your good reputation and honor getting ruined." Toshiro's words came out in a dull fashion.

The man looked up through his glasses and stared at the boy. "I know I got angry and said that what you didn't wasn't honorable the other day. I never talked about you dishonoring me."

"You might as well have said it." The boy folded up his legs and glanced at the table.

Aizen came over then setting plates of food on the table. "The reason I am worried about this getting on the news is because I know that the media outlets can be cruel... much crueler then those bullies at school. You are going back to school tomorrow. Kurosaki let me know that his sister will be coming back to school too so you'll have a friend to back you up. Your aunt is also going to keep an eye on things as are the other teachers."

Toshiro simply picked at his food. "I'm not really hungry."

"Lack of appetite is a sign of depression." The man stated eating his food carefully.

"It is?" The white haired boy pushed the plate away. "I guess I'm depressed then. Nothing either one of us can do about that." The boy got up and walked into the other room and flopped onto his bed. He probed his mind for signs that Hyorinmaru was somewhere in his head. Truth was he couldn't even go into his inner world.


The next day the white haired boy got up out of bed and got ready for school. He let the limo driver take him to school. He then walked into the building with the backpack his aunt had retrieved for him. Yet again he felt stares on him and was not surprised to find other students staring at him as he came into the classroom.

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