Baby Sitter

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"I think... I think you get your eye and hair coloring from your mother." The white haired boy sat on the couch glancing up at the ceiling while Soifon waited with him for his so called father to get home. "Where do I get my hair coloring from? I died and came to soul society so I never got to meet my parents. I always assumed that they didn't care about me and that is why I died."

Two arms suddenly wrapped around his neck in a gentle hug. "If you make yourself depressed you'll just run the risk of having another seizure Toshiro. At least... I've heard that stress can lead to a person having more of them."

"You said you were married?" The boy suddenly glanced up. "It wouldn't happen to be Hisagi would it?"

The doorbell rang before Soifon could give him an answer. The woman got up and headed to the door. She opened it to a very familiar site. "Inoue-san? Were you to babysit my nephew tonight?"

"I got a call from Aizen-sama that I was supposed to keep an eye on Toshiro-chan until he got home tonight!" The female beamed.

"I was meaning to speak to my brother about some things put it will have to wait." Soifon walked over and picked up her purse. She then walked over to the white haired boy and bent down. A kiss upon the forehead caused the boy's cheeks to suddenly flare up a deep pink.

"I'm not a little kid..." Two bright teal eyes glanced at the ground. "Not to mention the Soifon I know would never, ever do this." As he watched her go, a feeling of dread rose up in his throat. The desire to get out of this world as soon as possible kept growing. Toshiro glanced over at Orihime, paling as he did so.

"Does Toshiro-kun want to play a board game?" The busty female asked. A smile was across her face and the boy found himself nodding his head.

Soon they were playing a horribly mundane board game that she had brought along. Mundane in the fact the young boy knew he may have liked the game as a child but know he was really too old for that game. "At least though I am not having to eat her food."

This sentiment changed though when Orihime packed up the game so she could begin cooking in the kitchen. The boy found him head against the table, his cheeks green. Finally a plate of food was set in front of him and the female spoke up with that bubbly attitude of hers. "Eat up Toshiro-kun!"

"She calls me Toshiro-kun but plays childish board games with me. Then again... I think that she plays them with me because she likes them." A head of white hair came up and two eyes looked at the food placed in front of him. The boy blinked a couple of times then looked up at Orihime. "This looks normal..."

"Why wouldn't it look normal?" Orihime placed a finger on her chin, a look of confusion upon her face about why Toshiro had said what he had.

Picking up a fork, the boy took a hesitant scoop of the food and then placed it into his mouth. He blinked a couple of times. "This is actually pretty good."

"What did you expect?" The girl stated. The orange haired teen sat there with her chin in her hands smiling at the boy.

Toshiro didn't give her a response but continued to eat his food. He picked up the glass of milk she had set beside the plate. "I guess Inoue is actually relatively normal."

"I finally decided what I want to do when I graduate from high school!" Orihime spoke up. The same smile she always had was upon her face and Toshiro thought nothing of it.

"What do you want to do?" The boy innocently asked not at all expecting the answer he was going to get.

With the straightest face ever the busty teen spoke up. "I want to join a nudest colony."

Two teal eyes suddenly went wide and Toshiro felt the cold milk going out his nose and down his throat. The boy coughed up some of the milk and felt his appetite suddenly leaving him. "What?"

"I figure I can best use my assets that way. At least that is what Keigo says." The female began to eat her own food while the preteen stared at her horrified. She then glanced at the boy, pointing her fork at him. "When you get old enough you could join me. Your looks would be an asset for you."

"Excuse me?" The boy found his cheeks suddenly flushing a deep red. He then glanced at the ground. "Doesn't this constitute sexual harassment? I am not sure because Matsumoto is always borderline with me on the issue. At least... I think she is. I don't think she would ever cross the line with me."

"Sorry. I forget that Toshiro-kun is actually smart unlike me, so he's got assets beyond just his looks." Orihime suddenly had a sad look on her face. "When you get older the girls are going to go nuts over you though."

"Is she hitting on me?" The boy got up taking his dishes to the sink and then went and sat on the couch with his knees curled up and his head buried. The female sat down on the other end and began chatting at him, not caring whether he was listening or not. Eventually though the front door opened and someone stepped over to the two.

"You can call your mother to come and pick you up now, Inoue-san." The man stated, his tone rather monotone. The man then set an envelope down on the table. "I'll be heading to bed as it is late. You should also get to bed Toshiro."

Two teal eyes glanced up in time to see the man walked off. The child watched through half lidded eyes as Orihime got up and made the phone call to her mother. She then plopped down onto the couch, kicking up her legs and stretching her arms out to the front. The door then opened and a familiar face peeked in.

"Matsumoto?" A frown crossed the child's face.

The woman simply smiled then took note of the boy's pale composure. "Did my daughter say something weird again."

"Nudist colony..." The words came out of his mouth, and then he shut them closed tightly.

"I'll speak to her later about this."

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