Unwanted Tension

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"I want to go back to my little world please." Toshiro's bright teal eyes looked right at the man and a frown passed over his face.

Aizen found the corner of his mouth twisted up. As much as he disliked children this particular one had a way of saying things one didn't expect. "Does he really think that I'll send him back because he asks me? Does he think that I'll just give up because he gives in to me this way." Finally though the man had to get the boy's attention. "Toshiro?"

After asking a specific question Toshiro simply glanced at the ground and pushed his food away. "I don't feel good."

"He's just mad that things aren't going his way."

To the man's surprise Toshiro said something else that he found amusing. "I'm hungry. My mind is going very fast and I can't keep up. I can't figure things out."

"I hope to keep it this way." Eventually he handed back the Soul Phone and walked away. Aizen walked to his room where he could watch the boy's actions with cameras. Toshiro suddenly walked over to the wall and opened a cupboard like area. Aizen smirked as his plan to set up a memorial to the small boy's grandmother had also worked the way he wanted it to.

When Toshiro fell asleep in the bed provided Aizen set to work with the next part of the plan. He used a communication system to call two of the female Arrancar to the outside of the room. Going outside Loly and Menoly stood their watching him. Loly had a smile on her face. "Is there something I can do for you sir?"

The man smirked before giving the girl his plan. He then waited in his room as he watched everything on the monitor occur. The small taicho of the tenth division got up to go and heat up the food. The boy picked up the phone and heard the fake message from Hinamori Momo. Eventually the fake Momo came to the door and of course Toshiro aswered the door.

Loly stood there with her arms crossed. "Why is he giving me that disgusted horrified look?"

"Hinamori?" The boy glanced at her weakly.

The dark haired Arrancar let out a small snort and then pushed on the boy's chest. "He's funny." There was a slight pause as she listed to the words the fake Momo spilled out. "I would never call Aizen an old fart. The idea in itself is hysterical."

Menoly glanced at them from the side. "What is even funnier si the fact he has no idea what is going on.

Loly watched as he want and sat down on the couch. "I might as well play the role I was asked to." The girl headed over to the couch and sat down next to the child. Her body was real close and she could feel him tense up. Her hand reached out and touched his leg at a spot she knew was sensitive. She leaned over and breathed into his mouth.

The female arrancar continued to play the role while her friend laughed from the side. She moved her hand in a direction that would make the boy even more uncomfortable. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Loly let out a laugh at the fake Momo's words and watched as the preteen's throat tightened up. He then said something else. "We're... siblings aren't we?"

The female laughed. "Yeah right. You know... if he was just a little older he might be worth it."

"Aizen will always be better." Melony stated walking towards her friends as Loly leaned in to kiss the boy. The two proceeded to have a pretend argument that fit the verbal script and then Melony was the only one left. The female slapped the boy across the face and turned to leave, letting the real Aizen do the rest of the work.

The girl walked out of the fake room and began to laugh with her friend at the trouble they had caused the child's mind. Loly paused for a few minutes though. "Playing with his mind was fun, but I have to admit that Aizen picked a really nice looking one to mess around with. This is going to be real fun."

Inside the house Aizen stepped into the room and watched as the small taicho crumpled in on himself. The man grabbed the boy's sleeve and tugged on it. Two teal eyes were horribly dazed and finally the boy simply collapsed onto the bed. The man watched as the boy tossed and turned until Hyorinmaru managed to comfort him.

"I'll need to find some way to deal with that dragon. How I'll handle it I don't yet know." The man paused in thought. "I can do a few other things though to make him think the reality I've prepared for him is real.."

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