chapter 9

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Shits about to go down


Harry adjusts the bandana on his head before knocking on the door. Anxiousness makes his skin crawl as he hears the footsteps walk to the door before it opens. Biting his lip he sees Liam behind the door.

"You came" harry nods and Liam smirks before welcoming harry into his house. They don't speak as harry follows Liam up the stairs to a solitary room at the back of the house.

Liam stops before he turns to know. "Anything you see in this room you tell no one. And in return, I will get Louis out of jail for you understand" harry nods clearing his through "okay" he says making Liam smile placing his hand roughly on Harry's shoulders

"Now you obey me. You listen to me until the job is done. Go against anything I say or do and there will be consequences" harry gulps services questioning his life choices before the door opened.

Harry gasps seeing Mike tied to a chair much like his own when he was captured, his eyes flash with fear as he makes eye contact with Mike. He looks so broken. He could only wonder if that's what he looked like.

Mike looks like he's been through worse than himself. Harry could only hold back a sob at the sigh of the man. A chuck of his hair seemed to have been burned out his face cut and full of bruises his arms riddled with red marks showing his fight to be freed.

Jumping when the door slams behind him harry still regrets ever stepping foot into the dark room. Liam nudges harry making him jump. Liam sniggers at Harry's response

"Loosen up a bit, yeah?" Harry nods and Liam smirks "let's get this show on the road. Shall we" Liam say smirking? "Now I need you to stay in here with Mike. I'm trusting you with this harry. Don't abuse that trust. Try and free him your dead to me. Turn that TV on when I message you. Don't turn that TV on and there will be consequences. Understand" Liam says gripping Harry's jaw

Harry nods and Liam lets go "ill leave you two alone" Liam smiles leaving. Harry sighs and stares at Mike. In some form of his mind he wants to help him but in the other harry knows Mike was the one who took him to Simon. but then again harry couldn't even help Mike if he wanted to. He was to agree with everything Liam does for the police.

Mike stares back at harry. Harry wants so badly to remove the gag but he can't. He knows he can't. "Hey" harry says and Mike not so subtilly rolls his eyes.

"Listen okay. umm I- I forgive you. I do. but I have to do what he says. For lou. He's in jail and I need him. I need him Mike and I'm so so sorry that I can't help you" harry says tearing up. mike watches him pitifully that was until harry heard his phone go off.

"I'm so sorry," Harry says turning on the TV. Standing behind Mike harry sees Mike struggling and screaming at the TV as he watches what harry can only assume to be his family tied up too.

"Mike This is what happens when you don't follow the rules. This was Simon's orders not mine, sorry mate. And unlike you, I follow orders" harry watches as Liam moves from the little girl to what looks like the mother's right.

"Your daddy's been a bad man. And, sadly, you have to pay for his mistakes" Liam says. Harry tries to drop out Mike screaming at the TV and it comes out muffled either way.

Tears fall down Harry's face and he scratches up his fist to stop himself from doing anything he'll regret. He just can't believe that it's the same boy he sang with for years.

"This is what happens. Three strikes then your out Mike" Liam laughs before grabbing the daughter's hair and pulling her face up placing the gun right under her chin. And presses the gun.

Harry turns away from the screams. Coming to the ears harry can't watch anymore. He bands his hand against the wall cursing to himself as he tries not to break. He has to do this. He has to. Harry lets tears fall as he hears two more gunshots going off. He must have shot Mike's son and wife.

But then he hears the room door open. harry turns around to see Liam in the doorway. Blood splattered across his features from head to toe "your out" Liam says shooting Mike. Mike screams out in pain. Blood splattered all over the room and on Harry's face and clothes. harry gasps trying to get away from Liam.

"Your such a pussy harry. Jesus grows up. And don't come at me with all that treat people with kindness bullshit. I've heard enough" harry cowers in the corner watching as Liam walks more into the room.

"Listen you did what I ask now I'm going to help you, yes?" Harry nods having no other option and Liam nods with a smile.


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