chapter 43

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Lights out


Walking into the hall Louis and harry can already hear the argument that's taking place "you are not putting up lights in here, we're trying to work keep the fucking noise down!" They hear Richard shouts at Ian as they stand behind the door.

Walking in harry on one end holding the box on one side Louis on the other walking backwards, they look to see Ian on the ladder with Richard below annoyed "I don't give a fuck this is my job and I'll do as I please"

Louis eyes up the guard who is just standing there sick of the argument "delivery from unicre" Louis says Harry watches the guard that stands next to the two bickerings now being able to see him "no turn back the lights aren't being put up" Richard seethes, Louis stops in front of Richard "move the fuck away this is heavy"

Richard stands his ground "no I'm not moving" harry holds onto the light watching the scene as Louis uses one hand to push Richard knocking him into the ladder and knocking Ian over "RICHARD FOR FUCK SAKE" Ian says attacking. The ladder falls onto the guard as they tumble around the floor fist fighting to pull at each other's clothes.

The guard gets up calling more guards trying to stop the two from fighting. Louis and harry place the light down before running to the hiding spot as more guards come in. As the guards enter Louis and harry successfully slip out of the room casually walking to the stairs the halls are empty besides a few inmates working louis and harry make their way up to the top level.

The top level is different from the others. In the lower levels, the cells are around the outside with a barrier around the inside with a net over the gap. On this level, it's much the same only in the centre is a building. The electrical unit. The unit is suspended in the middle with a small walkway to get to it. It is held by four metal support beams that go all the way to the bottom floor

As far as Louis and harry know Andrew and Alister should have taken care of the guards inside. So far the plan is going smoothly for the boys. The adrenaline going through their veins as they make their way through the prison

As planned Tony is working on this level walking past with the guard as they move to the next cell to fix something. As they walk past Tony slips Louis the key to the electrical room. Louis and harry walk close together holding hands as they try to act causal going to the electrical room.

Unlocking the door they step inside locking it again before they turn on the light. The room illuminates showing a desk that lines across the left side of the room by a window that overlooks the whole prison, by the right were hundreds of electrical switches and lights that needed to all the tuned off. they both sigh "that was stressful" harry says while louis has already moved to find the power

"Baby help me here" Louis says as he starts flipping the switches. Harry walks over and starts flipping the switches, slowly the power starts going out around the prison. Soon enough all the switches were out and they were left in complete darkness

the silence was filled by their breathing and a few bits of shuffling "daddy" Harry whispers out but earns nothing in return "daddy?" Harry moves his arms around trying to find him until he hears harsh breathing followed by Louis's muffled voice and the next thing he hears was a thump as something drops to the floor. Harry freezes not knowing what to do "Louis?" Harry creaks out scared.

Suddenly there was a cloth over his mouth "BOO!" what a whisper in his ear as he breathes in the fumes on the cloth his head spinning as he tries to move the man away as he holds him to his body. "Daddy" he whimpers out as he went light-headed as he hears the bangs on the door and the faded "COME OUT TOMLINSON"

Then everything went black


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