chapter 20

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Don't anger the daddy


Leaving the parlour Louis keeps a grip on Harry's hip as they walk to their bench by the football pitch. Louis instantly sits down pulling harry onto his lap making harry straddle him. Harry doesn't protest and cuddles into Louis's neck

Louis rubs Harry's back lightly. Harry struggles with tattoos normally, Louis remembers when harry got his first tattoo. The star. Louis kisses Harry's cheek lightly remembering the scene, Harry's grip on Louis's hand refuses to let Louis leave his side for a second. He smiles remembering how harry looked into his eyes the whole time to calm harry down.

"You okay baby?" Louis mumbles into Harry's ear harry nods into Louis's shoulder making Louis sigh and move harry back. Sitting back louis hand cradles Harry's face as the other members sit down around the table.

Louis lifts Harry's chin so he can see the tattoo. The line going under his chin almost matches louis only Harry is shorter from the sudden stop. Louis cringes at the sight of the redness around the mark. Harry going to be in a lot of pain.

"So proud of you baby boy. Well talk about what happened later" Louis mumbles and kisses Harry's jawline lightly. He then pulls harry closer looking around the table with a scowl.

"Okay, Harry is officially part of us now what's the plan" Louis grumbles around the table

"I suggest you change your attitude while speaking to me louis," Paul says holding a stern look in Louis's direction. "I don't have to change shit," Louis says "just tell me the fucking plan before you don't have a tongue anymore" Louis spits out his grip on harry hip tightening

Harry's eyes widen looking at the group through the corner of his eye. "Lou" harry mumbles as Louis's grip worries harry. Getting ignored completely Paul speaks up

"I think you've forgotten who's in charge here boy" Louis snorts, "you think you're in charge. You don't even deserve to be in charge. Your no leader!" Louis says making Paul slam his fist on the table "coming from a fag!" Louis freezes and so does harry.

Richard couldn't hold back from saying a not-so-subtle "oh fuck" under his breath

"Say that again. I. Dare. You" Louis says his grip becoming unbearable on harry his eyes darkening from anger

Paul smirks looking at Louis teasingly. Louis watches Paul's lips as the word "fag" comes from his mouth. Louis instantly moves harry off him and delivers a hard punch to Paul "COME ON OLD MAN SAY THAT AGAIN!!" Louis says delivering another punch to Paul's face.

Harry's eyes widen as Paul fights back taking Louis to the ground instantly pinching Louis repeatedly. "LOU!" Harry screams. "SOMEONE GRAB HARRY" Louis shouts out through his groans of pain.

Richard grabs harry as he comes past him pulling him into his body "no harry stop! Don't! Don't get involved it will only get worse!" Harry tried to fight against Richard's grip as he watches Louis gets attacked

"THIS BETTER REMIND YOU OF YOUR PLACE FAG!" Harry shakes his head at Paul's words as a guard comes running towards the now huddle around the two groups.

Paul takes harry away from the fight "come on you shouldn't see this" Richard says pulling harry away as guards arrive. Harry struggles to look back at harry wanting nothing but to help him. Richard moves harry standing in front of him

"WHY DID HE DO THAT!" Harry screams at Richard "WHA- HE HAD TO START A FIGHT DIDNT HE!" Harry screams. Richard sighs "harr-" Richard tries to intervene MEAN WHAT WAS HE THINKING! THIS IS FUCKING PRISON NOT A HIGH SCHOOL YARD!" Harry pulls at his hair watching as Paul and Louis are handcuffed.

"harry he was trying to protect you" ,Richard says making harry look at him "PROT- protect me?" Harry asks turning to Richard "yes" harry tries gathering his breaths s he listens to Richard "think about it. He was already in his "daddy mode" as you freaked out when you got your tat. He just wanted to get the meeting over with" harry shakes his head "that didn't mean he should start a fight!" harry says hugging himself.

Richard sighs as Ian and Tony come over to them "Paul and the kid are in isolation until lockdown" tony says coming toward the two

"well that's just great" Richard mumbles


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