chapter 35

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Walking down to his workroom Louis follows behind the groups of inmates, only this time Harry is here and Louis couldn't be happier.

Taking Harry to the side he places an apron over Harry's head passing him a hair bobble as he turns to harry around to tie the back of it I'm a bow. Louis next does the same to himself.

"Do we need to wear a hard hat?" Louis chuckles "yeah, baby. it's a safety procedure" Harry groans going to grab the hat "Hey no," Louis says grabbing it and placing it on Harry's head mindful of his man bun "I can do it myself Louis" harry rolls his eye.

Louis glares at harry slightly "we need to discuss this BDSM thing, baby" Harry nods as Louis places a hard hat on his head and grabs Harry's hand taking him through the workshop.

Going to his station Louis places on his gloves and puts on his mask watching harry carefully as he does the same "okay so baby all we need to do is spray paint the plates then place them on that rack over there, okay?" Harry nods with a small "kay"

Picking up the paint gun harry chucks it from one hand to the other with a smile. Louis watches with wide eyes seeing the sight "baby don't do that!" Louis says placing it back on the table and dragging harry to the clay rack where they kept yesterday's makes until they were dry "now be careful okay? If you break one that's one behind and more work for these lot" Louis says nodding to the group who are already spinning plates.

"I'm not going to break one," harry says picking one up, Louis cringes at Harry's hold on the plate. "Okay so to work the gun-" harry cuts Louis off "will you stop I know what to do I'm not a baby!" Harry says.

Louis bites his tongue and grabs Harry's jaw pulling him in to face him "this is what we need to discuss. your behaviour" harry frowns "you mean your behaviour!" Harry says pushing Louis off him "baby I'm not having this argument here!" Louis says steely "okay master" harry rolls his eye.

Louis grinds his teeth together "I'd watch that mouth of yours Harrold or else you'll get a right spanking" harry looks to louis "oo I'm scared" that was Louis's final straw. Louis pushes Harry over the table pulling down Harry's pants. "Louis what the fuck please no" Louis slaps Harry's ass without a second thought.

"What are you getting punished for?!" Louis asks as calm as he could "I don't know!" Louis groans "Harrold we don't have fucking time for this. You're getting punished for being rude, not calling me daddy, not obeying my commands and lieing to me before" Harry holds back a scream as Louis brings his hand across Harry's already saw ass from this morning.

"COUNT!" Louis shouts at harry making him whimper. His face goes red from embarrassment as people look their way "one! thank you, daddy!" By the end, harry was a whimpering mess. No one even cared that harry was being pushed it's not the worst thing that they've seen happen, here the guards just let it happen knowing it's not a huge fight, plus they don't exactly give a shit what they do inside they only care about keeping them there.

Louis pulls Harry into his arms as he cries out "shh you took your punishment so well baby, So well" Louis says kissing Harry's cheek "daddys proud of you baby boy" harry nods into Louis's neck lightly sniffing as he tries to stop his cries.

"well discuss everything tonight okay, baby?" Harry shakes his head "now please daddy. I don't want to do anything else wrong" Louis coos cupping Harry's cheek "okay, we can talk about it now, While we work" harry nods and Louis smiles kissing his lips lightly before turning around to the bench

Spraying the inside of the plate Louis does faster than he thought and moves to place it away while it dried. Harry follows doing the same and they go to get a new plate. "I- I don't know how to start daddy" Louis chuckles "that's okay baby I will" harry nods as Louis paints the plate.

"Are you 100% sure you want to do this?" Harry nods "I'm sure" Louis nods "Tony's told me a few things about BDSM. Now people normally in these relationships have contracts but that's just to prevent them from falling in love which is a bunch of bull shit" Louis says moving the plate.

"So we're not having a contract?" Louis shakes his head "your just going to have a list of rules. The contract does nothing really for the relationship besides making the person own the other I'm already married to you, therefore, you're already mine so I see no point in that" harry nods "so what are your rules?"

Louis thinks for a moment "I haven't exactly thought them all through but we can change and add over time, okay?" Harry nods "yeah" Louis sighs turning fully to harry serious "first of all please baby always call me daddy unless I say not to. Even if we're around other people I am your daddy as much as you are my baby okay?" Harry nods "okay daddy" Louis smiles kissing Louis "good boy"

"Second, I control what you do. What I say goes. You listen to what I say and you do what I say. And yes you can object and I will compromise" harry smiles "thank you daddy" Louis moves to get another plate and returns to Harry's side

"Third, no getting all cuddly and close with anyone else, You are mine. Those include Richard and that guard Miguel or whatever" Louis says with jealousy littered across his voice.

"Daddy are you jealous of Richard and Michael?" Harry giggles making Louis scowl at the boy "no!- okay maybe abit. It's just Richard was around you all the time and now you getting all close with the guard and i-" louis says stepping closer to harry taking his hand. Harry shakes his head kissing Louis "I'm yours daddy. We're married for god sake I'm not going to leave you" he chuckles "I know that. It's not you I'm worried about it's them"

Before Harry could ask Louis already changed the topic "Fourth, you are my baby. When I'm doing something like putting a hard hat on your head you do not argue with me and say you can do it yourself. Do I make myself clear" harry nods "yes daddy"

"Fith no lieing to me. And always tell me when something is wrong. I don't care how stupid or dumb it is, you tell me" Harry says a small okay and places another plate down

"And finally, no touching yourself, unless I say so. The same goes for if you need to cum. You only cum if let you, baby. If you're trying to control or top Me. No. I've lost count of how many times I have to say you are mine, I am your dom, You are the one I fuck. Got it!" Harry nods "yes daddy"

Louis smiles looking to harry "we can go over punishments and more later little one. But I do have a question regarding your PTSD" Louis says making harry still and never looking toward Louis. "I need to know what triggers it baby so I don't trigger you by accident" harry closes his eyes tearing up slightly "ca- can we talk about it later daddy?" Louis nods walking over to harry wrapping his arms around harry and cuddling into his chest. Harry wraps his arms around Louis holding him tight "of course we can, baby"


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