chapter 11

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To say Louis was pissed was an understatement. Harry did not come to see him on Friday and neither did he answer a single one of his calls. Every day Louis went down to the phone to try. The rule is if they pick up them the time starts but harry still hasn't.

Harry's lack of calls turned Louis sour. His once loveable self seemed to have been taken over by his dangerous side. bes been held down multiple times for lashing out. His once calm demeanour changed into this cold-hearted fighter.

The lack of his harries made him get a tongue piercing and a few extra tattoos. One is a phone which next to it says "answer the phone harry your no good alone" which one relates to harry not FUCKING PICKING UP HIS CALLS. and the fact that it's his song lyrics.

Paul was quite impressed by Louis's change of heart. The way he so quickly went for a bit reluctant to fully hate anything and anyone. The only one that can calm Louis is harry. Or already that's what they hope.

"Morning" Paul says to Louis who sits on the edge of his bed already changed. Louis doesn't say anything he only stands up moving to the brick in the wall pulling it out taking out his sock and lock. "Pete?" Louis nods as he hears the keys cling together as the officer walk past to open the doors.

Weapon in his pocket, Louis pushes past the guard to get to Pete's cell before he sprints for breakfast. Louis smirks seeing Pete sleeping soundly in his cell the door already unlocked from the passing guard.

Louis slips inside "Hey mate" Louis smirks pulling out the sock and swinging it around. Pete's eyes widened but before he realized what happens Louis swung it hitting directly into his head smashing his head open. Instantly dead Louis stuffs it into his pocket.

Moving to grab back his stash of stolen goods Louis smirks slipping it back into his boots and making his way out of the cell closing the door.

Whistling his way back to his cell Louis stashes back away the drugs and his locked sock. Paul now only changed slipping his trainers on. "Let's head off" Louis nods following paul

Making his way down for breakfast Louis sighs trailing through the routine he's been doing for half a month now.

He's learned a lot about prison life. That there are 4 levels to the prison, Louis is in A3 meaning he's one of the last to get food. There is one guard that goes through every morning and opens up the heavy metal door with some metal bars as the only window.

Every day has the same routine. The only difference is if some shit going down. Louis has seen his fair share of murders, attempted breakouts and lover quarrels while he's been here.

There's been a few new additions recently. The second someone drops dead there's a native replacement who doesn't understand the rules and normally ends up getting himself killed.

One reason why Louis is thankful for paul and the gang. He taught Louis all he knows. How to hide, cheat, kill. It's all to protect yourself. The main goal isn't to see your justice, it's just how to survive when one field moves and your dead.
One wrong glance and the next morning he'll be at your that with a knife.

Entering the hall already seated with part of his gang he makes his way over to the food. Grabbing his tray he places it on the metal reach following past for breakfast.

Going to the hot water maker, he spends his time making his tea. Taking a sip he sighs constantly and places it on his tray. Moving to the potatoes Louis buffs as he noticed them out of beans.

"Beans out!" Louis shouts over the top to the kitchen. Louis frowns as one of the men freezes. His back was stiff broad shoulders. Louis freezes himself. It looks like Harry. His heart skips a beat as he watches the man as he scurries around the kitchen.

Completely missed the in-mate adding new beans to the tub. Louis frowns watching the long-haired man as he tries to determine if it is his husband. Slowly the people in line get angry and click at his feet "move you wanker" he says shoving louis.

Louis was about to snap but takes a glance at the long-haired man in the kitchen slightly before stopping himself. "Sorry," louis mumbles his walls completely broken by the sigh of the man who looks like his harry.

Walking to his gang's table he takes a seat next to tony "Was that prick bothering you tiny?" He asks louis only shrugs "I held up the line" tony slams his hand on the table making louis jump "listen if he fucked with you he goes through us" louis nods "I know" Paul watches louis from afar he knows something up

"Louis" Paul says making him look to his cellmate "eat your food" louis frowns and looks to his now cold beanless potato and Diggs in nonetheless. But louis couldn't get his mind off the boy. What if he was going crazy. Louis causes to himself feel bad for eyeing up another man who wasn't harry.

It can't harry. Harry wouldn't go to jail, ever. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Louis's thoughts were interrupted by the guards shouting the time

"Back to your cells get ready for work!" Louis takes his tray pinning it immediately not caring if he dumped the tray in there too and makes his way to his cell. Quickly changing into his work gear, literally just adding a hard hat. Louis trails his way down to the workshop.

Louis is what is called 'unicre'. They make chairs, jumpsuits, mugs, bags and more. Louis works in ceramics. Making a new set of plates as most got smashed for the recent lunchtime fight.

With about 57 people on each leave, if Louis's maths is correct he needs to make 228 plates (plus spare) he's been working on them since Monday.

Sighing to himself he gets to work. he has to paint the plates as his other inmates make them. Getting the paint gun ready Louis watches as more of the workers arrive.

Unicre makes most things and the prison sells them to big brands so they make money. Louis finds the whole idea ridiculous. But a job is a job.

There are other jobs around the prison. Everyone has their own that is the best of their ability. Most get to choose where they go but some don't. For example, if you have an engineering background they would put you in CMS.

Louis has no idea what that means but has heard people say it so he's not asking. They go around with the officers and fix stuff around the prison. It comes in handy when smuggling shit or if you need a brick removed from your wall.

You could work in paperwork, be a real guard and help out on the reck yard, you could be a cleaner, or you could work as a hair stylist, there you also have the tattoo artist as well as piercings.

And Louis almost forgot the kitchen staff...the kitchen staff. Louis smiles knowing that if harry was here he would be picked to work there. As he always bragged "I worked in a bakery"

Louis feels sorry for the kitchen staff. Poor poor lads have to get up at 4: 00 just so they can prepare the food. They spend the whole day in the kitchen.

Luckily Harry was always good at walking up. Sometimes. Louis was always the one who was grouchy in the mornings. He's used to it now, but harry used to always try to get him up in the oddest ways. One time he just picked him up and bounced him up and down like a baby. Louis was embarrassed, to say the least.

The longer Louis thought about harry the more he wished Harry was here. He just wants to look into his green eyes again. He would do anything to see them.


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