chapter 19

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The buzzing


Getting changed into his work gear once again he wakes his way down to the workroom. He wants to get as many plates done so he can take them down to the kitchen.

Stacking the plates up he sprayed paints on them as fast as he could making sure to place them out to dry before painting the bottom. Louis could only think about harry. He wants so badly just to run to the kitchen past all the guards just so he can get a one kiss.

Louis shakes his head he needs to concentrate. And yet images of him and harry free from all this flash into his head. It's probably his brain trying to help him cope knowing he has no future. At least not outside of jail. By the time he gets out his life would have changed so drastically he doesn't even know if he wants to get out.

All the fans would have lost all hope knowing Louis was in jail as well as harry. Just the fact that the two of them killed someone is enough for the fans to leave. And yet Louis still holds onto that small bit of hope that once he leaves his life would just go back to the way that it was before.

He and harry would be separated calling every night before big shows or concerts. Louis would be stuck pretending to be with Eleanor, And harry with Olivia. Louis could only cry. As much as he hated that life. At least he had a future in that one.

Now his only future is being cooked up inside prison just trying to survive a single day. And yes this life has harry. And this future has harry. But everything that he once has is now gone.

Louis could only laugh. once, he and harry dreamed about being free and able to express their love for one another without having to hide it away. And now. All they want to do is be free from this life. Be free from prison to live their life with one another.

I guess not everything goes as planned

He didn't realize how long he was daydreaming before it was lunch. The day went by quicker and quicker. Louis worked his head off to try and get the plates stacked. But he just couldn't in time.

Soon enough it was the mandatory 4 pm count. Louis makes his way back to his cell with a sigh. He just wants to change out of his work overalls and into some joggers and jumper.

Louis normally just stays in his overalls (as do most mates) but Louis just wants to be comfortable after his long day. Sitting in his cell, he takes off his boots, unzipping his jumpsuit and standing out of it before he hears the door open. Turning around he sees Harry standing in the doorway.

Louis would expect to harry to hold a cheeky smirk but instead his cheeks coat with a pink blush as he walks inside holding a pile of clothes. "Hey baby" Louis smiles pulling on a pair of joggers before turning to harry.

"H-hi" Louis smirks at Harry's anxious state "awee look at you all flushed," Louis says loving closer cupping Harry's cheeks. Louis could only bring his lips to Harry in a kiss and smirks as he feels Harry's cold hands glide across his chest.

Backing away from the kiss harry looks over Louis's chest noticing small scars and cuts littered across Louis's body "you have new tattoos" Louis nods "yeah I do" harry frowns inspecting them. Remembering one from last night he gets on his knees and slightly pulls on Louis's joggers "baby if you wanted to suck my cock you can just ask" harry looks up to Louis and rolls his eyes.

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