chapter 22

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Keep it secret


Harry wipes his tears as he limps his way back to his cell staring at his feet. It's time for the count at 9. Harry gets to his cell just in time as the bell goes for the count. Harry stands outside his cell. His hair was messed and tatty his head sticking with sweat his eyes filled with tears his nose snotty. His clothes look creased and ruined.

Harry looked a reck.

He just wants Louis back so he can cuddle into him. Harry doesn't even know if he wants to tell Louis about it. He would get all possessive and go kill the man. Harry is positive Andrew and Alister both works with him in the kitchen. And he slightly remembers Richard mentioning Andrew to Louis.

As the guard comes past he frowns noticing Harry's state "you okay kid?" Harry nods hugging himself flinching as the man does a body search on harry quickly. The guard eyes Harry up and down for a moment with a sigh "Louis will be back in an hour. I recommend telling him what happened" the guard says knowingly.

Harry blinks up with tears in his eyes at the guard and shakes his head "nothing happening I just miss Louis" the guard doesn't say anything else besides clear and lets Harry back into his cell. Limping inside harry moves straight to Louis's bed curling up in a ball and hugging the pillow to his nose.

The clothes feeling utterly dirty Harry strips put on his grey joggers and shirt and limps around the room wondering what to do for an hour. There's no way he's going out of the cell now.

Harry gazes around the lonely cell. On either side of the walls were beds in between a sink and a toilet at the bottom of Harry's bed. A chair seated in the corner of the room at the end of Louis's bed catches harry's eye. We'll more like the loose brick behind it.

Harry winced shuffling to the chair. Kneeling he hisses slightly as he goes to the wall moving the loose brick. Harry frowns as he pulls it from the wall and looks inside. Pulling out a heavy sock harry frowns and tups it so the indie slides down to his hand showing a lock. Putting the lock back inside harry ignores the blood on it and puts his hands back in the hole in the wall pulling out bags of white powder

Holding the bag in his hand harry freezes. His eyes widen at the bag of cocaine. Harry doesn't know what to do. Louis promised never to do drugs again. Now worried harry puts his hand back in the wall to find acid too. Harry frowns seeing a snickers bar in there too and some oil.

Wish shakey hands Harry puts everything back in the hole and puts the brick back in the wall placing the chair back in its spot. Taking a seat on his bed now harry hunches over looking at his ringless fingers. Harry put his head in his hands confused about what to do

Does he bring it up with Louis? Should he wait until Louis tells him? They still need to have 'the talk' about everything. Harry was hoping Louis would kind of forget about it if he's honest.

Speaking of louis the door opened. Harry looks up spotting Louis instantly. Harry hasn't exactly fixed himself up after he got raped either. Once he saw Louis's black eye and bruised face harry couldn't hold back

Standing up instantly Louis opens his arms with a smile but from immediate seeing Harry's angry face "baby are you-" harry cut him off "FOR GOD SAKE LOUIS WILL YOU STOP PUTTING YOURSELF IN DANGER!" harry shouts hitting Louis on his chest. Louis sighs grabbing Harry's wrists. "Don't you think I've been beaten up too much already today" Louis sighs, his posture looking tired. "Well that's your fault," he says trying to hit Louis again

Louis couldn't help but chuckle at harry "come here baby I missed you" Louis mumbles pulling Harry in for a tired hug. Harry sighs hugging Louis back, his body feeling tired too.

"What did you do while I was gone?" Louis asks kissing Harry's cheek. Harry shakes his head memories flashing back into his head. "I- umm f-football" harry stutters a bit. Louis frowns moving out of the hug cupping Harry's face and swiping his tear-stained cheeks "baby have you been crying?" Harry shakes his head trying to get out of Louis's hold "n-no no n-no I'm fine I promise"

"Haz?" Harry shakes his head slightly "you've changed" harry states hugging himself. Louis could only frown "what do you mean?" Harry's eyes fill with tears as he looks up to Louis "You just not the same. Your so...aggressive. and protective of me. You keep putting yourself in danger because of me. I hate it!" Harry says looking up at Louis with teary eyes.

"Baby no i- I've always been like that. Protective over you. I haven't changed I promise. I'm still the Louis you've always known and loved" harry Looks to Louis, tears slipping now making Louis step forward wanting to take them away "no your not!" Harry says stepping back "haz I'm still me! Nothing has changed!"

Harry shakes his head biting his lip "Then why do you have drugs in the wall?!!" Harry says making the room go silent "haz-" harry interrupts Louis "please lou. Please tell me it's not what it looks like" Louis looks away to the chair "I wish I could"

Harry lets his tears fall more and pulls at his hair "y-you do drugs then!!" Harry says and louis doesn't even look at him "LOOK AT ME LOUIS" Louis just shakes his head "I can't see your hurt face" Louis mumbles "I thought you were past all of that lou! After félicité-" Louis turns to harry "DONT-!" Harry stands still both boys staring at each other, tears in their eyes.

"There's still so much you don't understand about in here baby. And I don't want you to know" Harry scoffs "why can I know?" Louis looks at harry like he's mad "WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO KNOW!? YOU SHOULDNT EVEN BE IN HERE!!" Harry looks back at Louis angrier "NEITHER SHOULD YOU!! BUT YOU JUST HAD TO GO AND KILL SIMON DIDNT YOU?!" Harry screams "YOUR NOT ALL INNOCENT HERE HARRY. I KNOW THAT YOU KILLED LIAM!"

Harry's face drops and stops. Tears pooled down his face gliding down slowly. Louis instantly freezes watching Harry's face become more distraught "h-how do do you k-know that" harry stutters. Louis bites his lip "Rich told me" Louis whispers.

Harry had no words he only moves back to his bed sitting down "so it's true" Louis mumbles. Harry nods his head "he was going to kill me lou I had to" Louis frowns " what do you mean he was going to kill you?" Louis asks kneeling in front of harry.

Louis's hands rest on Harry's kneecap giving them a gentle rub as a small tear falls down Harry's cheek "h-he" harry couldn't get his words out before bursting into tears "shh shh baby take your time" Louis says hugging harry close. Harry burns his nose into the top of Louis's head as he hugs him from around the waist between his legs.

"I-i wanted you back lou. S-so badly" harry sniffs, "he said if I did this one thing for him he would help me get you back" harry cried out in between hiccups. Louis stays patient as harry speaks leaning back and comforting him in any way.

"H-he killed Mark lou. R-right i-in front of my eyes!" Louis shakes his head "shhh calm down baby your breathing" Louis says noticing Harry's shaky breath. "I-i told the police what happened and he came after me" Louis watches Harry's eyes carefully "he chased me around the house. With a gun. It was so scary. So I ran to my bike but he was close behind in his car"

"We crashed and I took my opportunity and shot him" Louis didn't say anything for a while. They just sat in silence "how many times?" Louis asks quietly looking into Harry's eyes. Harry looks to lou "until the bullets ran out" Louis leans forward giving harry a kiss "good boy" Louis smiles

"So now can I know," Harry says quietly. Louis sighs "only the ground rules first of all baby" harry smiles a bit making Louis give him a small smile in return "I love you," Louis says leaning up and resting his head on Harrys "I love you too"



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