Prologue 1: Skye Johnson

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All that could be heard was the beating of her own heart and the pressing of the keys on the keyboard of her laptop on that night. She had to be careful not to tigger any silent alarms while poking around high-secured servers of a spy agency. She mustn't get caught or the whole cause goes down the drain. The Rising Tide was rising. They were everywhere and she was one of them. Those agencies, such as SHIELD give themselves the right to do whatever they want without any sanctions. She knew that for the better of their society was to take them down. They lie and hide things, invade people's privacies, destroy property and go unscared. Well, that won't do anymore.

Going around their firewall is easy, but getting secured, hidden files is something else completely. After hours of hacking, she managed to find a file she was looking for. Mike Peterson, a single father, lives in L.A. He was the hero of the day when he saved that lady from the house in flames. She knew that if she could get to him, he could help their cause significantly. 

All of the sudden, there were steps outside her van. Someone was here, but were they here for here? She instantly became quiet. Maybe they'll leave. The door of the van opened and a black figure entered. The next moment she remembers is all black and her head spinning.

"Good morning dear. How are we feeling?" a voice of a man asked. 

"Would be better if you hadn't kidnapped and druged me" she bit back.

Man just laughed and removed the black cloth over her head.

"Don't worry dear. You won't be harmed. I have a proposal for you."

"Oh, really? Here I thought you were here to hand me my lotto winnings"

"Fiesty. I like it. My name is John Garrett and I am an agent of an agency that has been around for thousands of years. You might have heard of us - HYDRA?"

"You must be joking! The nazis, really? You think I want to work with nazis?"

"That is a misconception. Red Skull might have lead that type of HYDRA, but let me assure you, we were here before that. All the scientists, including Zola, were a part of HYDRA even before Red Skull took over. We exist for one cause - protect our society from the government and agencies that harm people with an excuse they are doing it for us. I think you know one of them is SHIELD and I think you and I have the same agenda."

"And why do you think I would ever help you? You kidnapped me, druged me, who knows what you have done to me. Should I now just trust your word?"

"Well of course you have a choice - you go with us, or you stay here and get imprisoned for hacking SHIELD and government property. So what will it be? Help us take down SHIELD, or get taken down by SHIELD?"

"Fine. I'll go with you. For now."

"Excellent choice. Boys lets fly" Garrett odered his pilots and the jet took off.


Since that moment a lot has happened. 6 months has passed and Skye was a fully pledged member of HYDRA. She was trained to be silent and deadly. She was given access to all of HYDRA files, servers and more so she could do her magic for the cause. She has been approached by those fools from SHIELD, trying to recruit her in order to get to Mike Peterson. She was ordered to cooperate, so all she gave them was the location of Mike. She regretted that decision depely, because soon after Mike has disappeared, nowhere to be seen, until one day she saw him in their database of patients. Patient? Why would Mike be a patient of HYDRA? Looking deeper into the database, she saw dreadful things. Mike was half a robot. They changed him, experimented on him, took him away from his son. What has SHIELD done to the poor man?

As time passed by, Skye had more and more motivation to take down SHIELD for what they kept doing to people. Climbing up the ranks, she was approached by one of the leaders - Gideon Mallick who has personally selcted her for his project. Apparently, she has some special gene in her that could under right circumstances, transform her into a gifted person, so called Inhuman. She has decided that becoming a gifted agent could help them take down SHIELD faster and achieve their goal of helping people fand for themselves. Once she has been put through what was called Terrigenesis, she felt awful at first. Headaches, ringing in her ears, black outs. The science department has done everything they could to help her, but the more they were running around her, whispering nonsense and taking samples of her blood, the more they got on her nerves until she couldn't take it anymore. A wave of vibrations burst out of her and broke every glass around her. The building started shaking. She could fill every heartbeat in the building. Skye put her left hand up and pointed it towards tha back wall when a wave of vibrations went from her hand straight to the wall and made a huge crack in it. The Quake was born.

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