Chapter 10: HYDRA Fight club

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A week has passed since the failed mission, and Ward was finally dismissed from the hospital ward. During his stay at the hospital, Skye has visited him only once more, and while he was sleeping, or at least that was what she thought when she came by. She just stood there in silence looking at him and after she checked with his doctors his state, she left. Other days he just knew she has sent Ava to give her an update on his state. Every time Ava came, she just knowingly smirked his way and went to the elevators to her boss' office. 

He has been cleared to leave, but only if he was strapped to his desk at the bullpen without any field activities. That would hinder the progress him and the Resistance have made in the last couple of moths. However, he could now have some time to listen on what is going on at the HQ and report to Mace. The specialists when strapped to a desk had a tendency to gossip.

"Ward, I see you are better. Good. You have been called to the Captain's office" one of his fellow team mates has reffered him to the head's office.

When he entered the office, he was lightly surprised to see Skye there.

"Oh, Ward. Come in, son. It is good to see you back on your feet again" Sorenson said as he invited Ward in.

"Thank you sir. I feel much better"

"I told you" his superior told to the woman next to him and winked at her?

"You think too much of that Jakub" she told Sorenson without even a glipse in Ward's direction. "I will see you later. I have a briefing in 5, so lunch today?"

"Of course" he told her with a friendly smile and she walked out of Sorenson's office.

"Sir?" Ward asked waiting for the man's orders.

"Oh yes, of course. Come sit please" Sorenson guided Grant to his conference table. "Are you feeling better? What have the doctors said?"

"I am sure you have heard Sir, but I still haven't been cleared for field work. Instead, my doctor, that wanker if you would allow me to address him like that" Sorenson nodded with a smile"has ordered me to sleep"

"Doctor Zimmer is one of the finest in his field. The Doctor himself made sure you had the best care. You have made an impression on the man. But if he has ordered it then you better listen. The man can become a rather pain in tha ass when his patients don't follow his instructions"

"Well, the man likes playing not only surgeon, but a psychologist"

"Oh, I see. The man has head a ton of experience. He has a couple of wise things to share with the world. But I have called you here because there is something I would like you to do. It is nothing in field, but I hope you will be successul"

"Whatever it is Sir, you know you can count on me"

"Good to hear, son. Good to hear." the older man just nodded his head. After a brief moment in complete silence, he continues: "I need you to do something for me. Since you are off field duty for now, I need you to run some things here at the base. As you know we work quite a lot with Agent Johnson and her squad and after the last mission she has decided to train her people more in combat so she asked if I could have one of my specialists come and train her people, so I thought of you"

"Why me, sir?"

"Well, Jameson is dead, Goretzki and Umber are out in the field, I have my own work to do, and you are fit do do it. Do you accept?"

"Anything is better than being stuck with those gossip girls in the bullpen" he said as he stood up to leave.

"I need you to be successful in this, okay?" Sorenson asked Ward who stood right at the exit to the office.

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