Chapter 8: Mission successful, if you can call it that

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As the two teams are boarding the plane, Ward carefuly pulls the small man with glasses to the side.

"I'll get you the op details for the Commander" he whispers to him. Avery looks back and simply nods going up front of the jet to Jameson and McMillan who were piloting the aircraft.

"You know that we are not supposed to share the mission details to the other team" a ruff and deep voice said from behind him. Of course it had to be Rogan.

"I think I missed that part of the meeting. You know, Ava had me there since 8 AM. Haven't slept" Ward came up quickly with the excuse.

The Goliath just looked down at him, obviously not buying it. And who is the Commander?"

Ward tried looking confused at the man giant. "Agent May?" Ward looked at him as if the other man went nuts.

"She is the Major. You have been trained as the soldier and you still haven't learned the proper titles within our combat forces" Rogan replied.

"Oh, well, I like the Commander better. It sounds stronger, especially for the Cavalry"

Now the other man looked confused. "The Cavalry, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, I see. HYDRA is all you know. Well get you have been here I don't know how long and you still don't know the history of your agency. Shame on you Rogan" Ward said as he went to sit on one of the sitting places.


As the plane has landed for the first time, Avery took his unit out and looking at his tablet, led the 4 people with him towards the entrance to the building from the roof. He started giving orders for them to get in. Jameson pulled some switches and took of with the plane again to his team's location.

Why does it always have to be some what seems abandoned warehouse they have to walk into. Does ATCU have no better bases? Ward looks at the building in front of him from a specialist's point of view.

Seems only one story, might be huge underground. Small windows make it hard to escape if it comes to it. Only one way in or out. If this is a base, then it most be some intel base, since there seems to be no guards anywhere. Must be why Hodgins is with them. He learned the man has the power to manipulate any form of tech. 

Sorenson spoke on their comms to Ward and Jameson to cover the both sides of the entrance. They had the confirmation from Skye and Gould who were running the surveillance that entrance should be clear.

Ward nd Jameson nodded to each other and Jameson bust the door open. They went in and it was empty. No surprise there. 

Skye spoke on the comms and ordered Hodgins to try and feel any kind of technology around him. There should be some entrance to the lower levels based on their intel. Hodgins put his hands out, each to one side deeply concentrating. He the went to the left wall, towards some crates laying around. Turning one of the crates over, he showed the team some symbol. That must have been where the secret button of sorts was hidden. As Hodgins closed his eyes, concentrating deeply, a secret door opend to his right. Jameson went in first, Falk behind him and Ward was the last to go in.

He had orders to sabotage the mission, which was hard to do since it was such a high-level mission. Instead, he put a locator on the crate that would inform the Resistance of the mission's location and he went in.

What the small unit saw next were white units full of some sort of orange liquid and some of htem had humans contained whithin. Must be how they were keeping Inhumans in check. Falk and hodgins shuddered looking horrified at those units.

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