Chapter 14: The hurricane in the making

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He knocked on the office door and entered when he heard permission to enter.

"Ward, come in my boy. Sit please. I think you will like what I have to tell you" Sorenson showed to an empty chair at the conference table in his office. He had a smile on his face and he seemed excited to share his news with Ward. "Do you know why I called you here?" Sorenson asked and Ward just negated. "Okay, but do you know who sits here?" Sorenson pointed to the chair on the right from his own chair at the head of the table.

"Jameson, or he did, sir" Ward said.

"Well this is now your chair my boy" Sorenson explained with pride.

"Are you saying you are promoting me Sir?"

"Yes, congradulations deputy officer Ward. Welcome to level 6"


"So I heard you have been promoted. Jakub has been excited the whole of yesterday I couldn't get him to stop talking about you" Skye told him when she saw him in the elevator.

"I thought you liked hearing about me?" he teased.

"Oh, please" she scoffed. "I just like being well informed. There's a difference"

"Keep telling yourself that sweetheart" he said and exited the elevator, leaving her slightly taken aback. Did he just call her sweetheart?

She went to the training room on level 7. She needed to get her thoughts straight. She punched the bag while her brain started creating scenarios in her head. Why was that man having such a strong effect on her? Why did her stomach tie in a knot when he called her sweetheart? Why did she like it? Did she "like like" him?

"And here I thought I could get some peace for myself" she heard an unknown female voice behind her. She turned around to see a woman about the same age she was, with dark black hair with blue highlights.

"You'll have to be faster next time" Skye said to the stranger while catching her breath.

"I see you went all out on that punching bag. Maybe you want to spar? I swear I am fight bag"

"Maybe. Care to give me your name?"

"Beckett. Rebecca Beckett, UK base. Nice to meet you Quake, or do you prefer Liutenant?"

"Skye will be just fine Rebecca, or do you prefer the Blue Riffle?" Skye said back.

"I think we should go one a first name basis. So Skye, spar with me?"

"You should know I don't go easy on anyone"

"I wouldn't like it any other way" Beckett responded and took her position in front of Skye.

After they got enough of punching and kicking, they fell on the floor breathing heavily.

"You fight good for a communications specialist" Skye commented.

"Well I should since I was a specialist before I became what I am today"


"Yeah. But it is so much less paperwork here" Beckett responded. They both laughed at that.

"Oh there is paperwork here, just not until you get to level 7" Skye explained.

"Thank god for level 5, ha" and they both laughed again.

"It was nice meeting you Riffle. Let's do it again some time, yeah?"

"Of course, Quake. See you around" Beckett responded and each went her own way.


"You should have seen her Ava. She is really good. Shame she is just in comms now" Skye told her best friend once she got back to her office.

"Yeah. But tell me more about what happened with you and Ward. He called you sweetheart, huh?"

"Oh Ava. I don't know. Besides, i am sure he was just teasing, you know, like trying to irritate me by calling me that way"

"Keep telling yourself that Skye. The whole of HYDRA has seen you two. There are wagers and I better win"

"What wagers? Who?" Skye asked irritated.

"Oh, just everyone. Half of them already lost thinking you two would be together long ago. But I know you so I guess I have an advantage" Ava just smirked.

"Betting on my love life, really Ava?"

"Oh deffinately. You need to get it together and act on what you feel for each other. It is clear as day" Ava commented.

Skye just looked through the window. She took in a deep breath.

"What is wrong with me Ava?"

"Nothing. But you are falling in love and I love that you are. You need someone good, and Ward seems to be that in so many cathegories" she winked at her best friend.

"Really Ava?" Skye asked with raised eyebrows.

"Really Skye." Ava said and left the office.


"Oh there is my new deputy. Here is your first official job as my deputy. Get a team of 6. Agent May has ordered us to go and try again at what we have failed at before. This time we are taking more procautions. Take our best man and meet me in the hangar in 20. No briefings, you go right away." Sorenson ordered Ward and sent him out.

Ward knew he couldn't let tha Commander or Walker know of this mission since the Doctor will be checking every person going on missions for possible trackers, unregistered weapons and more. The only thing he could do was hope for the best that when they arrive whereever it is that he could use the tech he hopes to find there to send a signal to the Resistance.

"You are also on this mission?" he asked her as he saw her in the hangar.

"Bingo, super spy. This time it is the specialists lead with me and my two best graded agents - Jimenez and Mayers" she pointed towards two young man talking near the jet.

"Agent Ward, congratulations on your promotion. We all hope you will be successful in your newest position as well as this mission" May said as he passed him and boarded the plane.

"Yes, well done agent. This mission needs to be successful, no matter how many casualties, you are not to return without fulfiling your mission, is that clear" the Doctor asked him before borading the jet as well.

"Yes Sir" Ward nodded and followed behind to board the jet as well.

As the jet departed from the hangar and they were in the air, the two highest ranked agents, The Major and the Doctor lead the briefing. Only this time they gave as little as possible information to prevent it getting leaked to the enemy. Ward knew this was going to be a problem for him, but maybe, just maybe, he could work something out on the spot.

"You are to retrieve intel that has been stolen from us by former agent Avery. We have gotten a word from our informants about an ATCU base where they have main servers storing such information. Agent May will lead the field op, whilst I will lead it from here. Agent Johnson, you know your orders?" Fitz noded towards Skye who nodded affirmatively.

"Touch down is in 5. Get ready" May informed the team form the pilot's seat.

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